Look at Kansas’ Labor Record [Part of an Advertisement] A peculiarly happy combination of circumstances seems to set Kansas labor head and shoulders above that with which indus- try has to contend in many localities. True, Kansas labor legislation is modern. The present laws : were enacted only four years ago; have recently survived a Supreme Court test. But the enviable record of Kansas labor is due primarily to the quality of labor personnel rather than to laws. Kansas labor, largely of rural origin, is willing to do a day’s work for a day’s wage; is habitually contented. The reason is simple . . . Kansas has never experienced a general strike. And with exception of local work stop- pages of short duration has not had a serious strike for more than a quarter-century ...an enviable record! THERE ARE OTHER REASONS GET THE e e e e T ° ° e Kansas labor is intelligent; cooperative; _ «x Before completing American born. Kansas Labor Legislation your Beswar. plans is FAIR BOTH WAYS hence avoids cause you will want to read for misunderstandings and inequalities °¥" brochure Let's 2 Look Into Kansas. that breed discontent. Labor, Manage- = Mgiled to industrial ment and Government work together to = executives on request. effect profitable, pleasant relationships— an advantage you can enjoy in Kansas. KANSAS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Wm. E, LONG, Secretary-Director 805 Harrison, E Topeka, Kansas KANSAS Really MEETS INDUSTRY HALF WAY An advertisement reprinted from Fortune, Aug., 1945