September 24, 1945 | Mr, Samuel Spigel Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Spigels I am answering your communication of August 24, to sa that I knew that it was your weak arches that were involved when you concerning the Poot Arch Normalizers This normalizer is gy for a rheumatic conditions — : The normalizer is on the order of a glorified rolling pin set — in gears so that the weight of the individual is put on the roller in such a way that it develops the muscles of the arch, ankle, leg, and thigh in such a way that there is progressive improvements . advocates of this normalizer say that you “roll away your foot troue ble". I came upon this device at Atlanta, Georgia, when I was teach~ ing in the summer school at Georgia Teche I've used it for 10 years and would not take anything for mine if I could not procure anothers For tired, aching feet, for falling arches, for cramped foot and leg muscles, I lmow of fiothing better. It strikes at the root of the — troubles Do not think trying to sell you ones I'm endeavoring to tell you about something that helped me, and I, feel that — would make a mistake if ig did not try ite Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education