January 18, 1946 Mre Ge Herbert Smith, President’ Willamette High Sehset. Salem, Oregon Dear President Smith: I owe you my humble apology. I took your letter with me on our Christmas basketball tour and fully expected to answer it immed- jately. As is the case with most of these good intentions, I did not do it due to the fact that your communication was laid aside, among others, due to excess outside pressure thet I did not anticipates Upon returning to my office the mail on my desk was very heavy and I neglected to place my Christmas mail ahead of the other letters, I am dictating this letter just prior to our game with the University of Oklahoma tonight. I am happy indeed to recommend Wr, Elmer H. Schaake as a@ young man of most exesllent character, He is not only one of the . finest and cleanest young men thet I know, but he is an excellent coach. He leads his men by the power of his clean life and sympathetic under- standing» : . | He was my assistant varsity basketball coach while ‘at the University. He was also first assistant to our head football coach, Henry Shenk, in thet sport. I had Elmer Schaake on my varsity basketball team for three years ané while Birector of Athletics I came very closely in contact with him on the football trips. I feit him at all times to be a gentleman in the finest sense of the word. tie was a Lawrence, Kansas, . boy and I had ample opportunity to observe his actions and his conduct. Never did he disappoint me. fe is a man of family, having a lovely wife and two healthy and wonderful children. Mrs» Schaake is one of the most beautiful and lovely women that I know. She is a splendid homemaker and Mr. Schaake is a fine femily man. : ‘. I am happy to recommend him without reservation or evasion. Very cordially yours, — Director of Physicel Education, | FCA:NF Varsity Basketball Coach. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY SALEM, OREGON OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT , December 18, 1945 De, 7, €, Alien Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas My dear Doctor Allen: Mr, Elmer H, Schaake has written me concern- ing our position as Director of Athletics and Coach at Willamette University. He has mentioned your name as a reference and I am wondering if you would care to give me some information about his character, his influence with men, and his ability as a coach, We are eager to select a man who will not only develop good athletic teams, but who will have a constructive influence on the men with whom he works, Sincerely, ae os G, Herbert Smith President @ January 10, 1946 Captain Robert J. Getz Salvation Army Lawrence, Kansas Dear Capt. Geta: — We have a basketball game with Nebraske on January 18 and so I will have to be here for practice January 17. Therefore, I will be late for the dinner meeting at 5330 P.M. on January 17, but wiht get there as soon as I possibly Cane Mrse Allen will be unable in accompany me to the dinner meeting. With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: MP Varsity Basketball Coach. THE SALVATION ARMY LAWRENCE, KANSAS pe _—aannary 7, 1946 a ee ee tee : ey JéWaw 36 Jag Jaway | a 2d Due to the "Russiafh Ballet on ~nurscay night, Jenuary 17, it has been deciced to have the Ginner meeting at A:307on Thursday night at the Hearth. The meeting will be over in tise for the ballet and other aeetings. Please disregard the error on the card which reads "4areh 16" it is January 17. with this explanation vlease send in your cards for reservations., : ' Sincerely yours, ; tp \ ALA j : : (al ao. s Robert J. Getz RIGemd Cevice C) Captuin eo THE SALVATION ARMY LAWRENCE, KANSAS December 29, 1945 — Dear Advisory Boord, iembers : The annual boerd meeting and election of officers will be held on wednesaay, January 16. Further details will follow. Plenxase reserve. this date for us. smocerely(yours, obert FJG:ad Cantain January 7, 1946 Lt. Dave Shirk Werd 1184 - oe McCloskey General Hospital Terple, Texas Dear Dave: Your very capable and lévely wife was in the office Friday to tell us that you are getting along splendidly. We are. delighted to know this and we are just wondering, while you are be convalescing, why don't you come back and finish your work for your _ degree? . You could do it with little trouble and I am just throwing this hook line to you in the hope that you will see fit te do that very thing. : f Ne We have been pulling for you strong, fellow, and we are hoping that the operation will put you in first-class A-l condition, We are just as anxious to have you back as youere to get back, and I know that is plenty, “ T am sending you our basketball schedule so that you can plan to arrive on the date of one of these games, ~ With every good wish for health and happiness for the New Year, I am ; . + Hissiiely,; 7 _-Director of Physical Education, _ FOAsMF Varsity Basketball Coach. Ence Lt. Dave Shirk Ward 118A McCloskey General Hospital Temple, Texas Encourage him to come back to school. + % OF WILLIAM BOOTH, Founder PHONES: Office 633; Res. 2413-J CAPT. and MRS. ROBERT J. GETZ, Officers in Charge 729 Vermont Street LAWRENCE, KANSAS * * * * January 5, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Friend: Due to circumstances beyond our control. and to an already planned meeting of another group which would require the presence of severai of our board members it has been agreed to have The Salvation Army annual board meeting on Thursday night, January 17. This will be a dinner meeting held at the Hearth at 6°50 and will include the presence of your wife. It will be necessary to make reservations for each person. Please consider the imvortante of this meeting and make all efforts to be present. Enclosed please find a card for your convenience to be marked and returned to us by January 10 if possible. Thank you for your past loyal support. Sincerely yours, — \ deoeiten Robert J. Getz Captain RJG:md enclosure George L. Carpenter John J. Allan Victor Lundgren General Territorial Commander Divisional Commander ESAS RT REN et SALTER a ESE I A IE LETTE DS AREER ACI CATED EE SEDI ERA ELE CL BETE RIPE AE RIE 2S Et RE BEBE PEERED ES PEPER PEA EBE PS LIANE IE ELIE LEE AERO AE GEN RALI R ELLIE NE ELLA, LEAL LEED AEDT en ae __ __ _ _-__-_-_-__-.-_-_--- -_- _-_-_ _-__-___-___-_-__-_______-Ak$H$ 15-2. _ 60655. ._._.:2:2: EN s..:.:°:°:°».—0«.:: O———$—« ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Prof. V. F. Smith, President R. W. McClure, V-President Karl Kreider, Treasurer Mrs. C. E. Daniels, Secretary Dr. Forrest C. Allen Mrs. A. B. Weaver John V. Sees Henry Brinkman _ Mrs. A. B. Ewing Rev. Harold G. Barr Harold Allen _ George Lowman Kelvin Hoover Roger Williams acelin ected CTO Officers ° h : $ Board of Directors } Clhe Catholic Youth Organization ge arens TED O'SULLIVAN, Pres. ce JAMES F. LILLIS, Vice-Pres. PAUL HAMILTON sites 8147 BROADWAY } erate JOHN G. PHILLIPS, Secy, Saciaac : ws CHARLES L. AYLWARD, KANSAS CITY 2, MISSOURI GEORGE L. GOLDMAN Treas. RAYMOND EDLUND December 17, 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Many thanks for your letter of December 13. Regarding the film, that will be entirely up to you, and if you decide to use it we will have the necessary facilities available. @ I em inclosing a check for seventy dollars ($70.00), which is according to your letter of December 13. With kindest personal regards and best wishes, I am TO'S:LP December 5, 1945 Miss Mary Maude Smelser Assistant Librarian Kansas University ‘Lawrence, Kensas — Dear Miss Smelser; I will endeavor to look up Some of the pictures of Mr. Piatt and his team at the earliest convenience. If 80 happens that I am swamped now. Sincerely, Director of Physical Bducati on, PCA sMP Varsity Basketball Coach, Copy © Law Offices W. H. H. Piatt 903 Grand Avenue Kansas City,Wo. - Cable address “Piamar"” November 28, 1945. Telephone Harrison 5566 Mary Maude Smelser, Assistant Librarian, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mary Maude: Am not weeping but sincerely sorry for the defeat of Saturday last. I have dictated practically all the matters, athletic and other-= wise, of possible general interest in the curricular year of 1891 and one or two matters of '92, my mention of which to the Chancellor at the rally te here the night before the game met his accord; and I now enumerate certain — pictures I wish you may obtain for me either through the assistance of : Professor Hopkins, Secretary Fred Ellsworth, the Athletic Department and "Phog" Allen: (1) Three gloss or finished prints of the '91 team, of the '92 team, of the "93 team and the '94 team (I have a picture of the '95 team that I can have rephotographed) to fit a § and 1/2 " by 11" sheet of the binder I will make up. ee Also there was a picture of the 1892 backs, Kinzie, Williamson, Champlin and myself posed as kicking for goal. Fred Ellsworth of the Athletic Department there, I assume, has it as somebody sent me a reproduc- tion of it in the "Blue Diamond" of. Kansas City two or three years ago. (3) Another picture I desire is of cabinet size taken by Jim Noble of the street working brigade as they were marching east from Mississippi Street carrying their shovels and led by Sam James, the Negro policeman, en- route to work on East Henry Street; this being a cabinet sized photo would not need reduction. Ascertain for me if these pictures I want can be made by the Photographie Department of the University and, if so, the price therefor; otherwise they may be sent me and I will have the work done here. It may be necessary to apply to Professor Hopkins for some of the pictures. By the way, he really enjoyed being at the game last Saturday. I might observe in this connection that the two years, '91 and '92, of his management of the we team, there were no jealousies nor schisms in the team, but the philosophy ba of the "Three Guardsmen" obtained all the time, and he lost in the 16 aS games of the two seasons but one game to Baker, and that because Champlin was ill and out of the game, one or two others were out and replaced, and I was absent as a witness against young Bassett for shooting Bill Higgins. ——» Do you have any of these Sincerely, pictures you would let us send to Mr. Piatt for copies? We H. He Piatt ed 3 tats i firs a ee y 2 ee Rea fence NYY 4 } in) Sa CAE bie ae ee t pS, ao as tee VL EEE os eases ; VASES B ATE Pacey is at pe eet ese i SN MO meee ee AN SPS P wi ee a ex oo , ; ; = r Ce ey : P ee - i SE eas ieee dee Ney wit Cg Pa December 4, 19456 Mr, Gordon Sabine “ Department of Journalisn University of Kensas Lawrence, Kensas Dear Gordy: The more I think about it, I am convinced that I will let you have that red text on lMigher Education in America by Kents the publishers were Ginn and Company. We were talking about the research. problem and I loaded this on to you with the rest of the stuff. This summer I want you to scratch around and see if you can’t loeate it. Iwas the author of the chapter on Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Intercollegiate Athletics. It is the only copy I have md my memory still gets clearer all the tine when I think of it, . Sincerely, ‘Director of Physical Education, FCA :MF ® Varsity Basketball Coach. December 1, 1945. Mr. 4, Clay Smith, Ravenden, Arke Dear Mr. Smith: : The Jayhawkers were crowmed champions of the Big Six in 1930 in football. You should have bea back in- Kansas fifteen years ago. <4 = tervo teethtin: Nike ail Maint acento Direotor of Athletics. Mr. Emie Quigley is Director of Athletics. How some of w like to shed the burdens of responsibility! I am coaching basketball. If you had mde a pledge concerning basketball you would have lived in Kansas most of the time. Sincerely you's, 7 Director of Physical Education, POA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. ese a “ lu a f) QO < a oO Le QO a < 0 re 0 W Q /) 0 Bi kr Nemo nen az 19s cciek il eb ians Pp pa ny Eda i i i: Hut , ie Noverber 27, 1945. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Louis A. Silks, Jre, A/S, Platoon Commander Schocl, With best wishes to you, I am Sen Diego 33, Calif. PCA:sAH Enc. | November 27, 1945. Mrs. Louis A. Silks, Sr., 6626 Virginia St., Kansas City 5, Mo. Dear Mrs. Silke: I am very happy to send a copy of our last Jayhawic Rebounds, No. 18, to your son, and am sorry we didn't have his name on our list for the previous issues. I am also send- ing you a copy, which may interest you. Very sincerely yours, } Direotor of Fhysical Education, FOA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Novenber 25, 19456 Miss Maud Smith, 420 Indiana Ste, Lawrence, Kansas. ‘Dear Miss Smiths oe } , oe I was glad to get your letter of November 1. I, too, would be happy to get around and look at the situation that you desoribe between Louisiana and Indiana in the four hundred blooic. ss ean’ Rani’ shai oh Gn HA Geek ven wod't with be glad to take this up with the oity engineer and the com ttee on streets and alloys. We work as committees, and naturally refer to the chairmen of committees these petitions and protests that Cee LEON Ge SE eae ‘I assure you that I will do , that I can to see . that this is covered by a storm sewer if you ire ones Miss Smith, I assure you that anything I oan do in your behalf will be gladly done e . Sincerely yours,. vl Director of Physical Education, POA:AL Varsity Basketball Coache Dr. Allen: It is with surprise i read the council was going to out in a storm sewer in the 500 block in Miss between -Miss and Ind. Is this all it takes to get anything done to work for the CITY? By all means you should get around and look at the awful hole and mess between La and Ind in the 400 block. There you really could do a liitle good. This 400 block on La ought to be opened up so as to take the heavy traffie off of the 400 ete on Ind. i fo: one would gladly pay any assessment incurred to. have this awful hole covered up. Why dont you boys walk over sometime and look at the thing. Half of the haw river sticks its nose nearly in my backyard when its on a rampage. I would be mighty pleased to see this sewer go.through and be assessed for it. If going to work for the city will make this improvement cone about any sooner Dr. Allen let me know. Seriously Mr. Allen this ought to be covered by a storm sewer and thus it, a hole for bootleggers to operate ete. ma King 2 nes - Sineerely cy ret Be FA Yo Sc Coe sages SEC Are, Oe November 25, 1945. Dear Otto: If you are a civilian I am afraid that they might count the one semester a full year of participation. The second semester starts February 7. I know that all of us hope that you will have two years of football. Therefore, I think a great many would be disappointed if you played basketbali and took up one year of yoy eligibility. I am sending you a copy of our basketball schedule. Gosh, how I would like to have you, fellow, but I certainly wouldn't want the ‘ second semester to count a full year of participation for you. It might be that they would rule that since you came in the second sem- ester you would still have this semester and the first of next to count the one full year. I will get a ruling on this, if possible, ‘but here is the rub, Otto. The faculty members of the Big Six Con- ference who are the ruling body do not have anything printed in black and white, and they pass on those things as they come up. And that is ea bad deal for everybody. What we would like to have is some printed rules and go by them, but you are just in the hands of a bunch of professors who are apt to make a silly rule, in fact more apt we: make one like tat than they are to mike & sensible one. eag Yes, the housing situation is bad, terribly bad here in Lawrence. Many of the veterans are staying at the Sunflower apartments out there. They say they are awfully nice and you can get one about the size of - your liking. I am answering this letter and sending it air mail go that you will get it as quickly as possible. iWe are going in to Kangas City to the pre-game football rally tonight so IT am putting your letter ahead . Of everything else. And if you can bring Mr. Sobozak with you, I assure you that we will decorate you, and fix the young man up with a good job. It is good to a Otto. If we had you in this ball game against the Tigers I would be a little more hopeful than I am at the present writing. Don't worry, Otto, if you keep on yin you may tie Mrs. Hulteen some day. Sincerely yours, Director of Physioal Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Lt. Otto soa Squad. ae Bn. Pe. O : Hondo, Texas. — y 16 November 1945 Dr. F. ©. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog:: This letter will be full of questions. I have a chance of getting out’ of the army the latter part of Dec. or the first part of January, and I was wondering if I returned to school the first part of January how many semesters of eligibility I would loose. If I would just loose the one that I should loose or if I would loose two? . : If I remember bight the ##4#8#¢# second semester starts some time in Feb. and if I returned the first part of Jan. would I loose two semesters? I am just guessing about when the second semester starts, I hope it starts some time in the first # part of January. What I want to do is teturn to school the first part of Jan. and still have two seasons fo r football as well as two seasons for basketball, Also how many games of basketball will be played by the ¥% of Jan. It is not definite that I will get a discharge but I have an exce’lant chance in Dec. for this field is closing up and I am having my name put on the surplus list. So am hoping that I can set out if I can return to school in time to play.ball and not loose two, semesters of playing elisibility. I hear the housing conditions around Lawrence are touch, that there isn't any houses or small apartments to be had. Is that so? Suppose the wife and ~ can find something. That is about all the questions. I just hope I won't miss to ma ny games by Jan. @ for I hope to be thewe by then as# a civilian, I would apvreciate and immediate answer for the sooner I know these things the sooner I can start putting pressure on my discharge. I will try to bring this Sobczak, with me, ; Hoping e¥ery thing is find with you and that you have the making of a great ball club. See you: in Jan I hove. I remain Sincergly yours HAS DeAn pla ek.» a Hondo Texas 31,0et, 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansase Dear Phog$ ' Thank you for the prompt reply and letter to Ed. Sobczak. I dont knnw what he is @ g oing to do about going to K.U. but think we have a very good chance of his attending Oread Hill. I haven't been trying to se#l him on going to school at K.U. to a large degree but have let him know that we would like having him in our institution. He is a good lad. The day he gets his Gischarge I w ill let you know and make sure he stops and has a talk with you. I doubt if I will get to come and show him the campus, for at the present moment I am playing football and trying to start a basketball team, I believe he can now get out when he wants to; But he seems to want to wait till football season is over, so it will be a few weeks before he gets out of the army. I wan't be getting out until sometime aroundthe last of May ob the first part of June. At bhistime we don't have a basketba 11 coach and it looks like I will have to play and coach at the same time. Gorden Gray is going to ceach at the field near here, we tried to get him but they beat us to him so I seem to be stuck with the job. Wish is were possible for me to be able to play this year under you but I won't be able to make it. With Charlie lack and Ballard back it will sure help things alot. Guess Ray Evans will be in the army a& long as I will,forI see where thete football schelude runs up till some time in the middle of December, and knowing the army they will probably be playing up till New years. I will be by the first chance I get,but don't know when that w ill be. Better stop for my typing isn't improving any and the longer I type the worse I get. My kindest regards. Sincerly yours, i See Ge Xe ee we he - ao Me Diachorginy Uae sof A Dees Qo pind ba Zi haw Qrew ths it oS ose ie A Cia GA Paw: bt Oe Qro wks e272 om hee he portico owed C8 Warter. OFFICERS MESS o, Decerber 13, 1945 Lt. Otto 0, Solnellbacher=2099769 Bre PO. $3, HAA. \ Hando, Texas Dear Otto: . | I wired you as follows a few days ago: “Please wire collect possible date your release. You're eligible immediately and have four years of competition. Regards to you and Theresa." As yet I have received no answer to this wire and am anxious to know when you expect to come ing We sure need you, brother. ‘I have been in bed with the flu for the last few days and several of the boys have also been dowm with ite We play in Kansas City this Friday and Saturday and I certainly wish you could be with us. Please drop me a line at your very earliest convenience and let me know when you are apt to get out, as I am looking forward to your arrival here. We received your Christmas greetings and appre- Giate it very much. It was swell of you to remeber us. _ I am enclosing a Scenic Driveway with Campanile and a basketball schedule for this séason. I thought that you might be interested in reading what the Memorial planners had in mind and knowing the schedule of our games this year. Awaiting your reply and with all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF Varsity Basketball Coach. PeSe Dre Allen is up on the flog; giving the boys a short work- out before the game tomorrow night in Kansas City and has instructed me to sign this letter for hin. MHF # November 20, 1945. Mr. Tom Scott, Coach, Central Missouri State Teachers College, . Warrensburg, Missouri, Dear Tom: I have just had a itter from Chet Oassingham saying that he will see me when we come dowm with the basketball © team on December Srd. That must be a mistake because we agreed on December Srd here at Lawrence. Is that? not correct? Very sincerely yours, Director of Phyeical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.