16 November 1945 Dr. F. ©. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog:: This letter will be full of questions. I have a chance of getting out’ of the army the latter part of Dec. or the first part of January, and I was wondering if I returned to school the first part of January how many semesters of eligibility I would loose. If I would just loose the one that I should loose or if I would loose two? . : If I remember bight the ##4#8#¢# second semester starts some time in Feb. and if I returned the first part of Jan. would I loose two semesters? I am just guessing about when the second semester starts, I hope it starts some time in the first # part of January. What I want to do is teturn to school the first part of Jan. and still have two seasons fo r football as well as two seasons for basketball, Also how many games of basketball will be played by the ¥% of Jan. It is not definite that I will get a discharge but I have an exce’lant chance in Dec. for this field is closing up and I am having my name put on the surplus list. So am hoping that I can set out if I can return to school in time to play.ball and not loose two, semesters of playing elisibility. I hear the housing conditions around Lawrence are touch, that there isn't any houses or small apartments to be had. Is that so? Suppose the wife and ~ can find something. That is about all the questions. I just hope I won't miss to ma ny games by Jan. @ for I hope to be thewe by then as# a civilian, I would apvreciate and immediate answer for the sooner I know these things the sooner I can start putting pressure on my discharge. I will try to bring this Sobczak, with me, ; Hoping e¥ery thing is find with you and that you have the making of a great ball club. See you: in Jan I hove. I remain Sincergly yours HAS DeAn pla ek.» a