th. han Pars ast PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN : OKLAHOMA April 29, 1944 Dear Superintendent hay te The printing of the programs for the Teen age Recreation work shop has been delayed. In order to ge¥ information into your hands immediately, I thought we should send you this letter and let the printed programs follow. : We are bringing KereGheetermisesBowers, who is one of the best authorities on recreation in the south west to the campus for that week. We are building the program around the work unit, "Time On Your Hands" which — I reviewed in manuscript form recently for Thomas H. Briges, chairman of the committee on Consumer Education Study. The study was prepared by the National — Association of Secondary School Principals, a department of the N, B.A, The work unit has not been printed for the public yet, so you see we are planning this pro~ gram according to the latest development in education, We have the approval of Norman's Teen Town Council to use their facilities as often as we need them. We want at least one junior high school boy, one junior high school girl, and one adult from the same community to come to Norman June 12 through June 16, to attend ard take part in this work shop. . Would you give us your cooperation to have at least three representatives from your community on this campus for the work shop? The adult does not have to be a teacher; just anyone in your community interested enough in youth to want to help. If the adult should be a member of your staff, I think he or she could make a definite contribution to your school after having had this training. The civic clubs of your community might be invited to sponsor these youngsters coming. The P. T, A. could take this over as their project. The American Legion Post in your community might be encouraged to support this as a worthwhile con- tribution to the youth of vour community. Reservations for housing should be made by writing Mrs. Elsie Turney, super- visor of housing, University of Oklahoma. Meals may be had in the Union cafeteria. A fee of $2.50 to cover cost of material will be charged for each representative. If there is othér, specific information you would like to have, pleese write wa by) # Chcerfer Pra Yarn 0o/ oy Ima James VDirector S00 G Paint. 4. 7 Physical Education for “omen