TABLE IVe PLAYER ANALYSIS Position = guard, forward, center * Indicates player rank in squad. (1938-39) Pay ‘ny EF Fi ciepeics 0 ’ a 7 ~~ ~ oo oN as 3 & 0 «8 Nu ~ i eR “S a v R ‘e% ~, ; o uN ot - Bete em = FE OF COS gv = >. «a ‘ y : S 4 > = g YS —— 4 =, k. i, “) "1 t 8 y ty AQ me ~~ N > 8 ‘+ : | ~* ~~ ~ . 5." z & — w w & ch ~ = BS s «a Bi “ y é: «ee x Q * = * > aX 4 ih &% 1. WN * a ay he 1-276 2-857 2-54 6.8 8 6-14 6=-95.2" 2-80.88 2492.9 5-6 Bg 2227 46503 527 304 8 26005 SnGF.8 3-754 3H9204 Sn506 C © Sa226.5 7-331 4031 369 8 In0e3 BH97e8 Dekel 6H90e4 2n605 D £ 48187.5 141383 1673 Q9el 8 THle8 969504 4675. (59006 e505 EB ff 5#150 38759 3647 768 6 Qmle9 869403 10-3702 968504 Gebed F f£ 68140e5 Ge386 6a26 363 8 4elel Se9748 85451 459059 Touded Gg THl05 86268 9915 265 6 116269 749406 5=6763 8688.5 73-409 H Cf 8@91.5 5e426 7-20 269 7 3e0e9 169900 1682.4 169604 44509 Il £ 966705 9m207 8217 463 4 Ge2e4 10-9068 11-2992 10-7406 10-341 J & 10-485 10881 1086 165 4 1Om2e6 11489.6 1226.2 11-7461 11+2.6 K £ QUleSS—5 1267 lied 04 = 5 12992 127904 5749 1247306 1202 L © €Sebieb Leth Laat 05 4k 059745) 4=— GGG) 789K | 17a **This includes the players who had a playing time of more than 2@minutes on the home courte