Le Schaake is a splendid teacher and an excellent coach. He is one of the cleanest men that I know. He has the happy ability to cooperate in. a most friendly manner with all the members of the athletic staff, the faculty and the administrative officers. He has a genial and pleasing personality, is optimistin in his reactions, and is a splendid - fellow in every particular. He is exceptionally clean, has no bad habits, does not wee profanity, end is a family mn in every sense of Uw word. He is a big fellow, weighs 200 pounds and carries his weight admirably. lie ms a pleasing appearance and his impressions made - on the scomaunity outside of the institution are the very best. He is a nember of the Methodist Church, as is his family, and they attend regul- - arly. He has splendid health, takes his place in the commmity, and bears his honeurs Zracefully. Elmer Schaake is a prime favorite in this eepeneats Sesasing we Yang steed Ss Bile, Sa een eee See oe host .of friends. I am glad to recommend him to you in every way, and I think you would find hin not only a high grade gentleman, a splendid teacher, and a fine citizen, but a man who is intensely loyal in all his relationships and who would give nothing but the finest of service. Very ehinerety yours, Director of Physical Education, FOA:AI Varsity Basketball Coach.