¢ FORT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLLEGE Hays, Kansas Jenuary 1, 1945 Pig ‘ \ College Teachers of Education; State of Kensas I am enclosing a list of all the teachers who work in the verious eollegés, teaching courses in education in this state. You will readily understand that we are a group of considerable size, and my Opinion is that we ought to have much more influence than'we have had in the past, end it should be collectively asserted. ‘e hold the most strategic teaching positions in the whole of our school systems As chairman of the Kansas Association of Teachers of Education, I am tremendously interested in seeing to it that we perfect en organization which will have a continuity of purpose, and through our organization as a minority group wield the influence that we should on our education program. We, as you know, have had an organization for a number of years and we hold a meeting on Thursday afternoon at the time of the council of administration. I am of the opinion that these meetings have been of worth to us as a group, but entirely too few of us attend these meetings end our group has not been well organized. We are planning what I hope to be a very helpful program for this meeting at Emporia on Thursday afternoon, February 1, 1945. Ye pla&m to have three committee reports: one, a committee on organization, which I hope willmake proposals for a permanent ond strong organization; second, a committee report on the gosls or purposes of teacher education in our various colleges, in other words, a statement of the philosophy of teacher education; and third, a discussion of some of the criteria which we may use in the selection of the prospective teachers when the time comes to make the use of such criteria possible. I sincerely hope that you will begin to make your plans to attend this meeting. In addition to the regular meeting, we are elso plenning e break- fast meeting on Friday morning, February 2. I will send you a card later end ask you to indicate whether or not you plen to attend this breakfast meeting. Let me as chairman of your group urge you to be present at these two meetings in order that we as a group may work together in formulating more effective plans for the education program in this state. Sincerely yours, - SS Ira 0. Scott, Chairman Kensas Association of Teachers of Education IOS :dlg