of town were in and we could not get aWaYe I thought sure I would see you at the Simons' reception but I expect I got lost in the crowd. I get a great kick out of the Simons! family. Dolph is a grand boy and merried a pretty girl. Every one of the Simons! girls is attractive. As a matter of fact, I think Dorothea comes very near being a real beauty, and by that I mean a real beauty. It is a funny thing, she is just as nice as she is beautiful. We never miss a chance of being where they are. They have been our friends through the years. You know Don will have his G. I. money avail- able when he gets out of the army. He is going to weigh about 175 when he comes out and if nothing happens to him he will be able to run 100 yards in about 10 seconds. 7 I sent Walker through Washburn because it seemed the only thing to do with the college r ight across the street from where we live. Don is rather independent though and with his G. I. money he is going to go somewhere else. He may showup down there at-K. U. one of these days. He is a great boy in the pinches, I had the idea when he was coming on that Topeka High School was too big so I sent him out to Washburn Rural. I wish Ihad sent Sharpie out there now. Anyway, if Don does get back-in a year or two you may have him on your hands. I'd like tohave him under your influence anyway. You would like him, You both have some of the same characteristics, that is, Don dislikes stuffed shirts terribly. If he gets through the war without telling:some colonel to go to hell I will be very much relieved. : It is nice to hear from you. Let me know which one of the books you really recommend. WAS:H Yours truly, Mitaul hl