Dorothea Spaeth © 3801 Warwick Kansas City, Missouri March 25, 1944 Mr. D. W. Malott, Chancellor University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Malott: I have been pioneering in the field of Modern (creative) Dance and Rhythmic Exercises for the past five years in Kansas City, Missouri. Since the war is making us all more conscious of the need for physical fitness and relaxation and since the tendency in education is towards a better integration of cur- ricular subjects for practical use in living, I feel there is a great potential interest in this section of the country in the Dance from an educational as well as an entertainment point of view. My general purpose in writing to you is to find out just how much interest there exists at present in your University. In addition, I'd like to ask the following questions; 1. Do you have a department of Dance and who is in charge Of it? 2. Might you be interested at some time in having a demon- stration, recital, or master class on your campus by myself or my group? 3. Do you have any advanced students or teachers who would be interested in a professional summer course or Forum in Kansas City? 4. Would you want to be on our mailing list and be infec ae of activities here? I am enclosing a self-addressed post card for any appro- priate comments and would appreciate it very much if you would turn this letter and material over to your physical education or art department if you are interested. Very sincerely yours, YWeorre Wes et Spel - Dorothea Spaeth DS/bb Ene.