PRES TT OE Ss aoe "I know of no types of recreation and physical education which fit better into the scheme of physical fitness in a democratic society than the particular type of creative and gymnastic dancing which you demonstrated so vividly and successfully at Utah State College." --G. Ott Romney, Chief of Recreation, t ; WPA, Washington, D.C, ; 1 "Miss Spaeth has’ “the ability to clarify the aims of the modern . dance in such a way that her audience understands and enters | _ into what she’ is doing. In her depth of feeling, her simpli- | | eity and ease: of. expressive, flowing movement as well as the quality of her interpretations, Miss Spaeth shows herself to | _be a aaa, great: artist. - ae. --Logan “Utah Lo opener finished’ ‘technique and’ ‘$eneitive charactgrizations | resulted in eee dance portrayals. "+58: --Kansas City Journal "The program, which won €réequent applause, included her dance, ' '\Pioneer,!...created...around lines from...Walt Whitman." --Kansas or Star Mees the Line ‘fluidity’ of event that marked even the granite poses of such dances as 'Pioneer! and ‘Gothic! bespoke gifts of unexpected quality." _,':