~~ Public Schools, Kansas City, Missouri HEROLD C. HUNT, SUPERINTENDENT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3408 KENWOOD HARLEY E. SELVIDGE SUPERVISOR May ay 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Phog, Thanks a lot for the copy of "Jayhawk Rebounds". The idea is a very clever one and the thought that I know prompts it is typically "Phog Allen". I believe you think as much of your boys as I do of mine and don't you love to do things for them that make them a little happier and maybe the going less tough ? I'll bet the kids are tickled pink to get that news. I recognized a lot of the names and was interested in knowing where they were. | Again, thanks a lot. as yours, Harley Selvidge, Dir. HS /rk Boys! Phy. Ed. and Athletics