ie ~. participang.> Swift & Company PAC KIER S Sic A tio Nn ’ S o£4 wift's J [AmericanlMeatjinsttute} Premium Advertising KAN SA S Ci ix 1S KAN SA'S *ad Sales Progt®™™ ; Sg March 25, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas — Physical Education Dept. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We have received your request for a copy of our nutrition film, “Hidden Hunger," for showing “any Tuesday or Thursday during the next three weeks." A copy of this film will be in Lawrence 2970 March 31 in the possession of Mrs. Seba Eldridge, Chairman of the Douglas County T.B. Assn., City Health Department, llth & Mass. We have advised Mrs. Eldridge that you will borrow the film for showing Tuesday, April 4. Will you please get in touch with her and arrange for the pick-up? To avoid any disappointment, want to mention that a 16 MM. sound projector is needed for running the film. A projector equipped for silent film cannot be used. The running time is about 45 minutes. We received so many requests for a suitable introduction of the film that we had one prepared and printed. We are attaching a copy hereto. You may want to use it as written, or you may want to incorporate part of it in your own pre-showing talk. After the showing, will you please fill in and mail as indicated at the top of the attached blank a report of the showing in the attached self-addressed stamped envelope? We are very anxious for a report of each showing. Thank you for arranging the showing. As you may know, this is not an advertisement, but a public service sponsored by Swift & Company in the interest of better diet and better health for Americans. If there is anything further you would like to ask about the film, just drop us a note, Yours very truly, SWIFT & COMPANY >. Nutrition Committee