July 1, 1944. Dre Tom O. Bellwood, Acting President, Arizona State Teachers College, Flagstaff, Arizonn. Dear President Bellwood: ‘Wire Leo WW. Shannon, who I believe is applying for a position as registrar in you college, has me to write you concerning what I lnow regarding Se ee oe ; as with an A. 3. degree in 1932, and roceived his ’ Master of Edusation degree in 1940. le won a varsity in had if. Shannon in wy , honest, ine I have been acquainted with him for over fifteen yeers and during that tim I have seen hin devolop progressively. He bears a fine reputation, and i au happy to recawaend him to you without resexvation. Very sincerely you's, Dixvector of Physical Udusation, PCAsAl Varsity Basketball Coach.