June 14, 1944. Mr. Howard Le Sutherland, 1329 Kentucky Street, Lewrenee, Kansas. Dear Howard: I am returning the pledge cards together with our personal check for $5.00. I have made notations on each one of the cards and I believe they are plainly evident. The only one I did not sign up was Miss Mabel Barnhart who said that she would want to study her bank balance and make a desision later. I did not contact Mr. Warren Zimerman who had made a pledge of $25.00 and Mrs. Young who has given $10.00. I thought they had given a sufficient amount. . Mr. Leo Applegate has no phone so I have written him a letter, carbon copy of which is enclosed. I am asking that he get in with the office and perhaps the church secretary can follow on this. + _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.