homer No. 3 35” x 44” VISION — Three sagittal sections of the eyeball in myopia, hyperopia and normal vision show the shape of the eyeball and the compensating lenses. Noo 4 35” x 44” SKIN and the development of the hair. A cross-section showing the hair follicles, glands and layers of the skin. No. 5 NORMAL HEART — A greatly enlarged study of the heart in frontal section. The large vessels are shown. Separate figures show the heart in the pericardium and a posterior view. 35” x 44.” No. 6 44.” x 35” DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN BODY — Fourteen figures illustrate the female reproductive organs and the development of the human embryo. The chart is printed in black and white. “Ne. 7 44” x 35” EAR — A large scale illustration shows all anatomical details and emphasizes the relationship of outer, middle and inner ear and the eustachian tube. PRICES: A. Mounted on_ linen rollers on top and bottom. Each $4.75 Mounted on_ linen with spring rollers. Each $6.75 No. 8 19 Ss 30 THE HUMAN BODY AS A FACTORY. This is one of the most striking and informative charts, showing the human body as a large machine, captures the imagination, gives a quick and accurate conception of physiological processes. Copyright 1943 Bv Rudolf Schick. New York 31: No. 9 44” x 35” THROAT — A frontal dissection of the mouth and throat is supplemented by studies of open and closed vocal cords and four pathological conditions. No. 10 44” x 35" THE NUTRITIVE VALUE OF THE MOST COMMON FOOD An accurate and up-to-date reference chart, showing the percent- age values of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and calories per pound of food, with vitamin values. No. LIA 44” x 35” CALORIES, PROTEINS AND MINERALS IN AVERAGE SERVINGS. No. 11B 44” x 35” VITAMINS IN AVERAGE SERVINGS No. 12 35” x 44” DIGESTIVE TRACT — A study of the alimentary tract with arrows indicating the movement of food is supplemented by figures of an intestinal villus, the mesentery, gall stones and peptic and duo-denal ulcers. ‘The Kidne No. 13 44” x 35” KIDNEY — The kidneys, ureters and bladder are shown natural size in the abdominal cavity. A greatly enlarged vertical section of the left kidney shows structure. Three pathological conditions are illustrated. No. 14 35” x 44” THE PROTECTIVE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. Sight as a function of the brain, showing lacrimal duct and gland, orbital muscles, optic nerve and chiasma, and a section through the optic region of the brain. Copyright 1943 SA ea ee