Casa Grande, Arizona euay: 2S 5 2 Oo 4 A Dr. Forrest C "Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr Allen: I received your copy of the letter which you forwarded to Dr. Bellwood, Flagstaff, Arizone, Thank you for your co-operation, Did not make the grade there, putthat is the way those things go. Since 1940-the summer I finished up my advanced ' degree at Lawrence, I have been on the job teaching. I was two years at Buena Vista, Colorado. And by the way about every place I go the people know of Dr. Allen. I am always proud that I took work in your department. My only regret being that I did not do the work that I did in the regular academic manner--that is get the hours credit which I could have done. But the work that I did was taken under good men and that fact Helps, We are now here in Casa Grande, Arizona. This country out here is, I believe, the coming section of our nation in the future. Ith has been developed considerably but all the talk is of the coming possibilities after the war. That is to say that much more water will be brought into the valleys. We like it out here very much, The winters are jut about ideal; they do not . even have frost. We are just 60 miles from Phoenix, and Tucson, Both very fine cities. We have lost contact with activities around Lawrence, but think often of you folks there. lHven though one does leave his native state it seems still to be home, ' Pin i Bat If you by any chance should come to Arizona for a visit we would be very happy if you would stop for a visit with'us here, Hope that youw work is going on as sucess- fully as ever. Give our regards to the other members of your family. rig oe . Di a nea ape oS Thank you again for all your past favors, maybe I can some day repay just a little the many ways you have helved us. J t 4 4 With kindest personal regards, I remain, Very cordially yours, | AĆ© O N, \ paw OL