4e 17. Evaluation points: none conference, 1152e753—- 69 = 1063.75 conference, 107962 = 7606 = 1002.6 — 18. Evaluation points per minute of play: nonsconference, 26.59 conference, 25407 19. Evaluations points per score: noneconference, 25.356 conference, 235422 20. Playing efficiency: non-conference, 94—5% conference, 934% 21. Ball handling error rate: noneconference, 22% conference, 205% It is interesting to note that the scores are almost identical and that the number of goals are about the same. However, in the conferonce games, the team took 13 less shots per games This means that the team's shooting average was cone | siderably better, being 29.4% for the conference games and 24.4% for the non-confer- ence gamese From the standpoint of ball handling, there were 24 more passes and 31 more catches per game in the nonsconference matches than in the conference gZAMCS » Both the playing efficiency and ball handling crror rate were poorer in the confer- ence games than in the noneconference gamcse It should also be noted that for each game point scored in the noneconfer-=— ence games, 20936 evaluation points (25.36 = 5) were carned by some other methods An analysis of the data shows that scoring a field goal plays oa relatively small’ part in scoring evaluation points, and that ball handling, recovery of rebounds, ctce must be considered to a larger extend. In the last three games data were obtained on both the Kansas team and its opponents, This ma terial is summarized in the following list. TABLE IIIs Conference Game Records Made by Kansas and Opponents: 1. Scores: Opponents, 102 Kansas, 139 2. Goals: Opponents took 184 shots, mde 39 goals; avorage %21.e2 Kansas took 165 shots, made 56 goals; average 7235 09 3. Free throws: Opponents took 44 shots, made 24; average 7545 Kansas took 42 shots, made 27, 0 _verage 7646 3 4. Personal fouls: Oppo nents, 36 Kansas, 27 5. Offensive personal fouls: Both teams mado 3 personal fouls while they had the ball and called offensive foulse 6. Violations: Opponents, 16 Kansas, 15 7s Rebounds off own backboard: Opponents recovered 45; Kansas recovered 70