Se In order to compare averages of the four noneconference home games and the five conference home gamés, the data are presented in outline form, TABLE IIe Four Non=Conference Games and Five Conference Games: le Score: noneconforence averago, 42 points conference avorage, 4562 points 2. Goals: noneconference average shots attempted, 68675; average mde, 16475; %24e4 conference average shots attempted, 55,8; average made, 1643 %29e4 3. Free throws: noneconference average shots attempted, 1400; averago made, 8e53%60e7 conference average shots attempted, 17.6; avorago made, 10043 75909 4, Personal fouls: non-conference average, 10¢5 conference average, 10.0 5, Offensive personal fouls: non-conference average, 25 conferenge average, lee 6, Violations: non-conference average, 3 conference average, 4e2 7. Rebounds from own backboard: nonsconference averngo, 2240 conference average, 20—6 8. Rebounds from opponont's backboard: noneeonference average, 1920 conference average, 25,0 9. @asses and good eatches: noneconfcroence passcs, 374.753 antehes, 364 conforonec passes, 3550.6; antehes, 33164 10, Wild passes: noneconferonce, 84; out of howds, 24753 to an opponent, 5475 eonforonce, 668; out of bounds, 2,6; to an opponont, 42 11. Held balls obtained by opponents: noneconforence, 2 : conference, 4 12. Fumbles: nonwconference, 66253 out of bounds, 3025; obtained by eppencnt, S conforenec, 6.0; out of bounds, 3.0; obtained by opponent, ‘3 13, Tapped ball out of bounds: noneconferonsc, 1e25- | conferonse, let 44. Tapped and recsovored own juwap ball: noneoonfevonec, 5 timos econfcrenee, no times 154 Reeovers tcamato's jump ball: nonweonferenve, 13,75 conference, 844 16, Assists; noneconforence, 25625; immediate, 15,5; scecondary, lle?$ confoyengae, 23203; immediate, 12.9; scyondary, 1004