Sylvan Dale - Box 175 Loveland, Colorado July 26, 1941 Dear Dr. Allen, Similar to their policy of the last two years, the YMCA and the YWCA are planning to sponser a Freshman Outing to which all freshmen menend women are invited. Perhaps you have already seen the announcement of this event in the Freshman Orientation Week Program. The outing will be held on Saturday, September twentieth from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00p.m. at some appropriate camping grounds several miles from Lawrence. We wish to have six or eight faculty members present at this outing to lead discussion groups at three one-hour periods during the day. Approximately fifteen freshmen will participate in each group if our plans materialize. Will you be able and willing to attend this outing to meet the freshmen and lead a discussion as you have done the last year or so? As to the subject that we would like to have you discuss- we will ask you to take a general subject and make of it what you wish. I thought you could discuss something along the line of extra-curri- cular activities or in the field of general freshman orientation. I have heard you give exceptionally fine talks to freshmen concerning their study, health, and work habits. It is something along these lines that we would like you to take. If you will be able to do this, please send me the exact title you would like us to give your dis- cussion; or, if you wish, we can cook up a good one ourselves. We hope to have a bang-up freshman Y program this fall. We are going at it early and hard, and we should have a considerably larger group out to the camp this fall than we had last year. We have enjoyed having you in years past, and we certainly hope that you can be with us again this fall. It is essential that we have our program ready for publication by August 2nd. I am enclosing a self-addressed envelope for your reply. Sincerely, 4d (rie