_ November 4, 1941 Hr. ©. Me Bowling fase Dear Mre Bowling, | Confirming our telephone conversation of recent date I beg to state that I will be happy to come to Hope on Nevember 16 for your father and son banquet. Incidentally, this happens to be my birthday, but I teke birthdays in stride just the seme as other days. I've never made much of them although many people do. Tho way I enjoy a birthday is being thankful that we're well and happy and that we live in a country where every day is a pleasant one compared to the days experienced | across the water. «= ~~ . Won't you write me and give me some details or background of the banquet and also what time the meeting is to be held? Very cordially yours, | Director of Physicel Education and Recreation © FcA/pe 3 Varsity Basketball end Basebell Coach