THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Schedule of Classes—Spring Semester, 1942 INFORMATION ON ENROLLMENT The School of Education enrollment will be held in Room 206, Robinson Gymnasium, on Monday and Tuesday, February 2 and 3, 1942. Enrollment will follow the College letter system. The enrollment of each candidate for the Bachelor of Science degree in Education must be approved by the Education Advisor. Graduate students in Education will report to the dean of the School of Education im- mediately after receiving enrollment materials from the Graduate Office. Each candidate for the University Teachers Diploma must obtain the approval of the Edu- cation Advisor on his professional program. All assignments to Supervised Teaching sections are made by the Director of Teacher Train- ing. Supervised teaching on the secondary school level is restricted to candidates for the University Teachers Diploma. Courses numbered 1-49 are open to Freshmen and Sophomores. Courses numbered 50-99 are open to Juniors and Seniors. Courses numbered 100-199 are open to Juniors, Seniors, and Graduates. Courses numbered 206-299 are open to Seniors and Graduates. Courses numbered 300-399 are open to Graduates only. In column 8 of the schedule the schools in which each course gives credit are listed as follows: G — Grad- uate School; E = School of Education; C = College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; F = School of Fine Arts; B = School of Business. For prerequisites, see Section II of the University Catalogue. Abbreviations used in column 7: F = Fraser Hall; UHS = University High School; R= Robinson Gymnasium; FS = Frank Strong Hall. The Schedule of the University High School will be found on page 6 of this bulletin. FEES: P40 Educational Psychology ......... $1.00 E50 Intro. to Educ. Measurements ... $1.00 P50 Educational Psychology ......... 1.00 P281 Reading and Study Laboratory.. 2.00 A50 Intro. to School Administration.. 1.00 Non-credit reading laboratory ........ 2.00 Information on University Teachers Diploma Revised requirements for the University Teachers Diploma are available in mimeographed form in the office of the School of Education. Candidates will begin their work with P50 and A50, then elect any two of the following three courses: H64, $52, and E50. This will constitute the Fundamentals Group. They will take the teaching methods course and supervised teaching in their major subject, or in their minor, Students in the School of Education will elect nine additional hours of Education courses; students in other schools of the University will elect three hours. University Teachers Diploma requirements include, in addition to the Education courses listed above: General Psychology, 5 hours; Social Studies, 5 hours; Fundamentals of Speech, 2 hours; a major; and a minor. This diploma qualifies the holder for a Kansas three-year-renewable-for-life certificate good om secondary level or below, such certificate being granted by the State Board of Education upon application. Information about state certificates is available in the office of the School of Education. I. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Room oe Sxc. CouRsE Cr. TIME Days a CREDIT IN INSTRUCTOR LDG@. Group I Philosophy of Education T268 ..+.| Philosophy of Education .«.:.6e.%. 0/0 | 3 | 9:30 | MWF | 15 | GEFCB | Schwegler Group II ‘ Educational Sociology $52 A | Elem. of Educational Sociology..... 2 10:30 ee 115 F EFCB Russell $52 B | Elem. of Educational Sociology..... 2 2:30 LT 115 F EFCB Russell $294 ...-| Construction of Sec. School Curric...} 3 3:30 MWF 15 GEF Althaus $399 ...-{ Research in Currie. Construction... .|2-8 Apts sls. sabi ae 119 F G Staff Group III Educational Psychology P40 ....| Educational Psychology............ 3 1:30 MWF 217 FS F Gaston (For Fine Arts students only) P50 A | Educational Psychology............ 3 9:30 MWF 306 F EFCB Nash P50 B | Educational Psychology............ 3 10:30 MWEF 306 F EFCB Schwegler P50- C | Educational Psychology............ 3 1:30 MWF 115k EFCB Turney P276 Scie de ROIIUAL TA VBIONO <2 o0 oie a ata 2 10:30 rt 306 F . GEFCB | Turney P279 ....| Psych. of Moral Education. ::...... 2 | 4:30-6:10 WwW 115 F GEFCB | Schwegler P281 ....| Reading and Study Laboratory.....| 2 | 4:30-6:10 Tu 16 F GE Nash P300 ....-]| Seminar in Educ. Psychology....... 0 PAN Ue co les ote ats 116 Ff G Staff P399 ....| Research in Educ. Psychology...... 2-8 WOVE Aki eck os eee eae G Staff Group IV Measurements, Experimentation and Supervision E50 A | Introduce. to Educ. Measurements...| 2 8:30 ae 115 F EFCB Althaus E50 B | Introduce. to Educ. Measurements...| 2 1:30 Te 115 F EFCB Althaus E261 ....| Educational Guidance.............. 2 | 4:30-6:10 Th 16 F GEFB Nash E272 ....| Supervision of Instruction.......... 2 | 4:30-6:10 M 115 F GEFCB | OBrien H353 =|... .| Educational Experimentation....... 3 11:30 MWF 115 F G OBrien E399 ....| Research in Ed. Meas. and Superv.../2-8 Pb ele vic ve gle menses cee G Staff Group V History of Education H64 | Pa | Survey of American Education...... | 2 | 1:30 | Py | 306 F | EFCB | Bayles Group VI Administration of Education A50 A | Intro. to School Administration.....| 2 9:30 rT 116 EFCB OBrien A50 B | Intro. to School Administration..... 2 3:30 cE 116°F EFCB Chandler A274 ....| Comparative Education............ 3 10:30 MWF 115 F GEFCB | Twente A375— |....| Educ. Finance and Business Admin. 376 of City Schools. 72.234...) 2.7 FE a: 5 3:30 MTWTF 306 F G Twente A304 ....| Seminar in Educ. Administration....| 0 Apt: hte: LORI; 115 F G Twente A399 ....| Research in Educ. Administration . . .|2-8 GAs ort ee ed ee sigs G Twente Group VII Secondary Education B261 ....| Admin. of Jr. and Sr. High Schools..} 3 8:30 MWF 306 F GEFCB | Althaus B264 ....| Admin. of Extra-Curricular Activ....| 2 2:30 ce 306 F GEFCB | OBrien as Room —— SEc. CourRsE Cr. TIME Days AND CREDIT IN INSTRUCTOR Bupa. Group VIII Vocational Education V158 |. ss | Vocational Guidance............. 2... | 2 | 8:30 | ok: | 306 F | GEFCB | OBrien Group IX Theory and Practice of Teaching M12 Grade-School Art Methods II....... 2 4:30 Tr 324 FS EF Ellsworth M54 Junior H. 8. Art Methods II........ 2 11:30 TT 324 FS EFC Ellsworth M56 ....| High School Art Methods II........ 2 10:30 eT 324 FS EFC Ellsworth M62 A | Pub. Sch. Mus. Meth. for Inter. Gr..| 2 8:30 MW 37 FS EF Barnhart Observation. ceo... ae 0 | 8:30-10:20| Appt. CrGy pele lt eer te ee Barnhart, Oliver M62 B | Pub. Sch. Mus. Meth. for Inter. Gr..} 2 1:30 MW 387 FS EF Barnhart Observation <5 {ois sac cs 0 | 8:30-10:20} Appt. Gtty She evens as Barnhart, Oliver M165 Theory and Practice of Teaching....} 3 8:30 MWFE 115 F GEFCB | Turney M194 Cont. and Meth. of Phys. Educ..... 3 8:30 MWF 204 R GECB Stapleton M273 Meth. of Class Instruction in Piano..| 2 2:30 MW 37 FS GEF Miessner M281 Teaching of Natural Science........ 3 11:30 MWF 306 F GEC Bayles M286 Teaohing, of Pinglish 3 oh. so laaon 3 9:30 MWF 11 UHS GEFCB | Fee M291 Teaching of Social Studies.......... 3 11:30 MWF 20 UHS GEFCB | Litchen M296 Improv. in the Teach. of Bus. Subjects| 3 1:30 MWF 306 F GEB Crouse M341 Modern Teaching Procedures II..... 2 9:30 mr 306 F G Bayles M399 Research in Theory and Prac. of Teach.!2-8 PEDO GE alike ico asics 3 ees es G Staff Group X Supervised Teaching M5dla Supv. Teach. in Art (Elem. I)....... {1-2 Appt. Appt. City Sch. EF Ellsworth M52a Supv. Teach. in Art (Elem. II)...... 1-2 Appt. Appt. City Sch. EF Ellsworth M55a Supv. Teach. in Art (H. 8. I)....... 1-2 Appt. Appt. 324 FS EFC Ellsworth M56a Supv. Teach. in Art (H. 8. ID...... 1-2 Appt. Appt. 324 FS EFC Ellsworth M6la Supv. Teach. in Music (Elem. I)... ./1-2 Appt. Appt. City Sch. EF Barnhart Conference—Cadet Teachers..... 0 4:30 WwW 37 FS EF Barnhart M62a Supv. Teach. in Music (Elem. II)... |1-2 Appt. Appt. City Sch. EF Barnhart Conference—Cadet Teachers..... 0 4:30 WwW 37 FS EF Barnhart Mé63a Supv. Teach. in Music (H. 8. I)..... 1-2 Appt. Appt. Appt. EFC Gaston M64a Supv. Teach. in Music (H. S. II)... .|1-2 Appt. Appt. Appt. EFC Gaston M80a Supv. Teach. in Special Schools... .. 4 Appt. MTWTF Appt. EC Russell M8la Supv. Teach. in Biol. Sciences....... 4 10:30 MTWTF 21 UHS EC Bayles 4 M83a Supv. Teach. in Home Economies. . . |2—4 10:30 MTWTF 8F EC Hoesly M84a Supv. SpeechandDram.Art| 2 3:30 MWF 10 UHS EC Coombs M86a Supervised Teaching in English....: 4 | ° Appt. MTWTF |10,11 UHS} EC Fee, Eaton, Coombs M8s9a Supyv. Teaching in Mathematies..... 4 Appt. MTWTF 2UHS EC Ulmer, Pollock, a Lowrance, Camien M9la Supv. Teaching in Social Studies....}| 4 |- Appt. MTWTF 20 UHS EC Litchen, Sum- mers, Camien M93a Supervised Teaching in Spanish..... 4 11:30 MTWTF |109,113 FS} EC Elliott M94a Supv. Teach. in Phys. Educ. (women) |2—4 1:30 MTWTF 102 R E Stapleton M94a Supv. Teach. in Phys. Educ. (men)..} 4 1:30 MTWTF 101 R E Shenk and appt. M96a Supv. Teach. in Commercial Subjects} 4 Appt. MTWTF 1 UHS EB Sheaks M99a Supv. Teach. in Physical Sciences...! 4 Appt. MTWTFEF 21 UHS EC Kuitert Nore: Enrollment in Supervised Teaching is not complete until specific assignment has been made by the Director of University High School. their cards countersigned by him to indicate that such definite assignment has taken place. Students will see Doctor Russell and will secure from him assignment to a class and will have 0 a y \ \ = sae Ree | \ RX No II. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION \ figs Room Coursn + Rego aEe Cr Time Days me, wren IT | InsrRucToR 1. Courses Open to Both Men and Women A230 Seay AIG ae ek tai 2a. ss Physiology 1....| 2 10:30 TY 202 Rei He Aden: 39 EP School Pisyground Actiy. 2/6 02.| 2 SEES SIAR oa 3 9:30 MWF 202R| E Stapleton 85 Kinesiology. . 2+. Ren ES vn ag Anat OO se Hs... 2 9:30 EE 202 R | EC Elbel | sy 100 Prin. of Community Recreation...| 10 hrs. P. E 3 10:30 MWF 202 R GEC | Elbel Win A 202 Org. and Adm. of Phys. Ed....... 10 hrs. P. E 3 11:30 MWF 203 R | GECT | Elbel — Shey, 300 Special Problems in P. E......... 15 hrs. P. E 2-4 Appt. Appt. 107 R | -G@ Elbel : 2. Courses Open to Men Only ; TS DOME = Piesical Wa wOw Onc aing .scisnerersr eu iesd aacchth's SO trate» 4 2 8:30 MTWTF 101 R EK Staff © Sl Pe oal Bdrestien... 2. is ccs 2| 9:30 |MTWTF] 101R| E Staff ee ee at ee oc Nie cece 2] 8:30 TT 202R| ECt | Shenk—Me~e. 89 Baseballs 25 223 eee oo. EN sos. ss sah ow es 2 11:30 vias ‘203 R |, E- Allen j 90 Remedial and Phys. Exam........ Anat. 507. ...0. 2 og 6 a 203'R. | ECT Shenk - bf ? ' P “a herve! 3. Courses Open to Women Only Wd Py ECHR UDA EINE. 55 es gales es lates bk cw eee ess 2 10:30 ‘Er 102R| E Stapleton \ - and 3:30 MWF ™ 34W| Physical Bddcation O08 fs SORA Ok 2 11:30 MWE 102 R47 Hoover, a and 3:30 TT Stapleton 63 | "Theory of AvideGes Ii... |... gs aaelewsass- 2] 8:30 TT 204R| ECt | Hoover GS ommend MOUCR ODEN icc 5 <6. occ vic (Re ores Se eee ee 2 MWF Appt. E Schilling 72 J Officiating IT...... Big sce ca P. E. 62 and 63 1 2:30 TY 204 R| ECT Hoover / , 4 2 1 wr Ill. THE DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Room — Course P acc Cr.| Time Days 2. : ge IT | InsrRucToR 50 Human Anatomy -...0.. 0.066.055 Physiol. 1, Zoél.1] 5 11:30 MWE Anat. EC Latimer TR OEALOIN: hose ese os ces ss ae ee Fe Soe le eae 10:30-12:20 a Anat. |... eaetis and assts. } Professional credit in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. rote be et ater ; Co a oo Py f mar sa UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, 1941-1942 Facilities for Supervised Teaching are offered by the School of Education in the following departments: Bio- logical Science, Commercial Subjects, Dramatics, Drawing and Design, Economics, English, History, Home Eco- nomics, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physical Science, Political Science, Spanish, Speech, Social Studies, Special Schools. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES FOR SUPERVISED TEACHING BY DEPARTMENTS Commercial Subjects: M96a. Supervised Teaching in Commercial Subjects. 1 U. H. S.* Sheaks. "LYDCWIitingy . 2. es css ok + 3 -MTWTF 8:30 ‘PYDEWIILING: 355.5 cs bak on MTWTF 2:30 Drawing and Designing: M55a and M56a. Supervised Teaching in a 324 Frank Strong. Dalton. Drawing and Design (Girls), MTWTF 780 Drawing and Design (Boys), MTWTF 2:30 English: M86a. Supervised Teaching in a eee. U. H. S.* Fee, Eaton, Coombs. PIG Ae tess aia es Ve rea aE 8:30 Journalism BE ice Gietaiaralg wipes MWF 11:30 Pings PU io er ee os MIWar 9:30 Mn Msh LV. - ssh i0 cies Sisis e MTWTF 11:30 English TI. 0.5% i bee MTWTF 10:30 Pp gish TA ha sw scc hence MTWTF 2:30 Home Economics: M88a. Supervised Teaching in Home Economics. 8 Fraser. Hoesly. : Etome Beonomies: (Girls) 2-4... 2s F2 b's's e's alee Sols ees MTWTF 10:30 Hope Beonoiiits. (Boys)io24% . 2.8... 50.0020 2 toe ORES MTWTF 10 :30 Latin: EME aioe poor ar erie MTWTF 8:30 WAGE oe i 34S sie 6 oo MTWTF 11:30 Lowrance Mathematics: M89a. Supervised Teaching in Mathematics. 2 U. H. S.* Ulmer, Pollock, Lowrance, Camien. MCOMOEEY. 70 5c ak ea ce ce MTWTEF 8:30: Aigourank i. ce eis ieee ewe MTWTF 10:30 Solid Geometry (spring) .... MTWTF 9:30 GEOMELEY iia diaals ae pe 38 ees MIWIF © 11:80 i Algebra 25 66s i0 iia se 68% MTWTE 2:30 Music: M63a and M64a. Supervised Teaching in Music. U. H. S.* Gaston. Glee Clabs(Girls) 3... Shas MWF 3:30 Glee Club ‘Boys) 0.5 ies TW 3:30 OVER OSI oie eo le ed gees MF 3:80 Natural Science: M8la. Supervised Teaching in Biological Sciences. 21 U. H. S.* Bayles. M99a. Supervised Teaching in Physical Sciences. 21 U. H. S.* Kuitert. General Science ............ MTWTF 9:30 Cheinigtines i. <6 cscs sents MTWTF 2:30 BOMNOGY conc 5 sic's ShOk ss a ce Be MTWTFE -.- 10:30 Physical Education: M94a. Supervised Teaching in Physical Education. 101 and 102 Robinson. Stapleton, Shenk. Physical Education ......... MTWTF 1:30 Social Studies: M91a. Supervised Teaching in Social degre 20 U. H. 8.* Litechen, Camien, Summers. Problems of Democracy ..... MTWTF 8:30 American History Soars Seema ee MTWTF 10:30 World History 08s ig ieiwe ns MTWTF 9:30 ‘World History o. 8cs c cdele es MITWEP °° 11:80 Citizenship 36s cus sede shee oe MTWTF 2:30 Spanish: : M93a. Supervised Teaching in Spanish. 109 and 113 Frank Strong. Elliott. Spanish. esis sce oie wig es MTWTF 11:30 Spanish ov a. cae eels MTWTF 11:30 Speech and Dramatic Arts: M84a. Supervised Teaching in Speech and Dramatic Arts. 10 U. H. S.* Coombs. MS Pe CS esos see as Se a One ae Ee MWF 3:30 * Room numbers for classes will be posted on U. H. S. bulletin board. PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT W. C. AUSTIN, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA 1941 19-1923 2 oy wp hed 11) PHYSICAL 10:30 "11:30 1:30 38:30 30130213430 230-11: 3:30 Brew 9330 9 :30-30:20 11:30¢12:20 11:30 4:30 10:30-11:30 4:30 33:50=-@:30_ 10:30 11:30 1:30 3:30 9 230-10:30 10330-11:30 3:30 ° 9:30-10:30 : 9:30 11:30 10:30-11:30 11:30-12820 4350-5220 3:30:30 3:30-4:30 4:30 EDUCATION (Women} MF : #2P 2 r daa 55S BEae PEEEEE EEE EE EEL. First haif senester Baéketball £l. Life Saving El. Bl. Bl. El. El. El. El. Else bl. Swinning Swinming Int, Swianing Archery Archery Badminton Badminton Badminton Badminton Secial Dance Folk Danced Ree. Sports R8Ce Sports El. Tap Dance \ Secand Hulf semester ( dud 5) Track & Field Ady. Swimming Int. Swianing Int. Swimming bl, Swicsing Diving Int. Swinning Adv, Archery El. Archery Adv. Archery Bl. Arehery Adv, Badminton — AdV. Badminton Adv, Badminton El. Badminton El. Badminton kl. Badmbnton Ady. Social Vance Hl. Social Tennis Tennis Tennis Adv. Tap Dence Kl, Tap Seftball . ee bo ted So bod Do Be) bet ee et eo bt bet oot oe pet ot R SO to Se Se ed St ad ot pt od 102 Hoover Pool Hoover Pool Hoover Pool Hoover 102 Stapleton 102 Stapleton 102 Smith 302 Smith 102 Hedy 102 Smith 102 Smith 102 Saith 162 Smith 102 Hoover 102 Saith 102 Smith 102 Hoover BRAUN eS i Sate his te Hi hicidldy SrA ici UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CLASS SCHEDULE ADIVIGION: 22st a eee ee ce ee Acne Leena 9 Te eee DeEPARTMENT Ehy seal Edveation TERM 19 Wt No. Time Da Course Prerequisite | Credit | Bldg. :| Room Instructor OpurAAlre Arm 37 [a8OF/ | TT Firat id Phgiebyl| 2 [Ri fa02| eh 391) 718° MEF. Of SPO ets | - eo BRE boon Sty ge be ee Wii. anctco| a | RE les |Eoeep = YE | TT | Soheef Hygiene 2 | Rte 2] Stay 3 3 nog? yk |or.+ Adm fb EA. | [dan E KR |203 | Shad Mrs [10% [pnw] Cun flack Peust, "| 3 | Af fae] Stae SoD | yt _leppt, Yorba PE jo" F& la-y | R|/87 | Shenk otag Te nan sand fe xeon cates [fa [a es amy F4 mn 19130 |MTHTE, : Soe la a Sty IE i320 177 T tock ond Pale --- > =| 2 Fr 62 enol.) a a ak oe oe ei 2. Ce SH ¥ Profpeecora® a. 2 Cadlegre ¢ Yo ptr Us ¥ eS a (Signed)....: ss aD 8-44-5M (Head of Dept.) 20-3785 f. § -, 2. he 3A, . ga. £7 oA OF. \ 3t, ady, Vy t relly fal yf LAWRENCE fF UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS a , Bi os, _ P120 —M whe2eu— Slee, 4 : |} i3e ~ Mul Qeg—m tt : Rieg OTM E ~ Forf — | 8? ig iufiee fff c 4 ph aMwh— 16/— uy oo : he ne. be tw F, JO @R .- oth UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ye So pnenatitoat Forno ninemsn pean une eee er Sanit (aw : k 5 Siar mybea KR, - o Tr 5 OA, ‘ : ; 2 Bh S an oo oe 7; ig pl OL ake at y190—mu,F Foot oul z at B mo 2 Mo3o- mF, Ford ~ fy i [/ize-ma & Tee 3o-mMwF ap i, / P/F y — Mviul. 7 | ff. - es 4 en Mer. /o/ ff — ai30-My. é/ fa) LA 4 % xi Bum, Fey, H 3 oe $ i Z. Z a /b/30~ Mw fF rh eto -ha F AIh wK »S xX | ' Po z a, 20 adn. \) ee z ie Buk Ott s If [20 wort tat [> —/6£ R, a8 mci, YY O. Adbrenes| Srief Omer — EXAMINATION SCHEDULES Spring Terms, 1945-46 SPRING SEMESTER Thursday, June 6, to Thursday, June 13, Inclusive . THURSDAY—June 6 A.M. 3:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours at 8:30 to 11:20 P.M. 12:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours at 1:00 to 3:50 P.M. 12:30 classes, 2, 1 hours at 4:00 to 5:50 8:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours MWF sequence at 8:30 to 8:30 classes, 3 hours TTS sequence at 1:30 to 8:30 classes, 2, 1. hours at 1:30 to 10:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours MWF sequence at 8:30 to 10:30 classes, 3 hours TTS sequence at 1:00 to . 10:30 classes, 2, 1 hours at 1:00 to 1:30 classes, 2, 1 hours at 4:00 to 9:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours MWF sequence at 8:30 to 9:30 classes, 3 hours TTS sequence at 1:30 to 9:30 classes, 2, 1 hours .at 1:30 to 11:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours MWF sequence at 8:30 to 11:30 classes, 3 hours TTS sequence at 1:00 to 11:30 classes, 2, 1 hours at 1:00 to All classes in French I ah gases in Aeech at f classes in German : All classes in German II . at 4:00 to All classes in Spanish I All classes in- Spanish IT 1:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours 2:30 classes, 2, 1 hours 3:30 classes, 2, 1 hours 2:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours 4:30 classes, 5, 4, 3 hours ; at 1:00 to 4:30 classes, 2, 1 hours at 4:00. to > 2 FRIDAY—June 7 —,- SATURDAY—June 8 MONDAY—June 10 TUESDAY—June 11 WUD WD WD UY u WEDNESDAY—June 12 THURSDAY—June 13 > A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. j SPRING TERM (8 WEEKS) June 7 and 8, 1946 Economics 1 : 120. - Saturday, June 8 111 Marvin Economics 9 : 32 Saturday, June 8 210. Marvin English 1: : 9:30 class : ‘ Saturday, June 8 201 Blake 10:30 class : ‘ :20- Saturday; June 8 ° : 201 Blake Geography 3a ‘ 5 Saturday, June 8 403 Lindley Math. 2 : Saturday, June 8 210 Marvin ; : Saturday, June 8 __. ~ 210 Marvin Math. 3 : : Friday, June 7 210 Marvin Speech 1 $:30-to <9: Saturday, June 8 ne 210 Blake Grades—The Senate regulations regarding grades are as follows: A, B, C, and D, shall be em- ployed to indicate the four passing grades. A... shall-be reserved for work of marked excel- lence, indicating high honor. B. . . shall represent very good work, of much more than. average quality. C. .. shall indicate that the work has been of good average character, better than that which deserves merely to pass. D. . . shall represent work, the lowest in quality that would enable the student to pursue, without undue ‘lack of material-or of method, the next dependent course, whether the latter be in the same department or in a related department. In case the Heap iS geese is not used as a prerequisite for others, a standard equivalent to this should e specified. I and F should be employed to indicate incomplete work and failure. I. ... should indicate incomplete work such as may be completed without’repetition of the regular work of the course. F, . . shall indicate that the regular work of the course must be repeated. An incomplete is not to be given when any other grdde can be used, and further, an incomplete shall not be given except when for good reason some part of the work has not been completed. (OVER) NOTICE TO INSTRUCTORS Your attention is called to a rule of the University requiring that examinations be held for all students during the last days of the semester. « To avoid confusion, the examination schédule and the accompanying regulations should be followed strictly by all concerned. In any case where a departure from the regular examination schedule is advisable the request of the instructor must be submitted in writing to the Chair- man of the Examinations Committee, Professor Laurel E. Anderson, Chairman, 30A, Frank Strong Hall, at least two weeks before the beginning of the examination period. The Examina- tions committee may approve such a changé only if it occasions no conflicts for the students involved and provided that the revised gig for the class examination falls within the regular examination period. é Regular classes with laboratory work only will be examined as other classes except that the hour may bé any one of the several hours scheduled in the laboratory period, the choice to be made by the instructor after consultation with the students and with other instructors concerned. Irregular appointment classes and appointment laboratory classes will be examined at the time to be set by the instructor after consultation and with any other instructors concerned. In ease this option is insufficient to avoid conflicts the instructors concerned will submit in advance for approval by the Examinations Committee a written substitute schedule of examination hours for the conflicting courses. In case of mixed courses in which the laboratory work does not come at the same hour as the class work, the examination may be scheduled in either of the following ways: (1) a single examination covering both the class and the laboratory work at the time scheduled for the class hours; (2) two examinations, one for the class work at the time scheduled for the i hours, and one for the laboratory work, at the time scheduled for the laboratory periods. When a three-hour course is scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday at one hour and on another day at the same or a different hour, the examination may be given as for a two-hour course at the Tuesday and Thursday hour, but the examinatian may use 3 hours except on the first day of the examination schedule. Likewise, when a two-hour course is scheduled on M. W. F. or on any two of these days, the examination should be given as for a three-hour course on the. M. W. F. hour, but the examination may use only two hours. The School of Law is authorized to make its own examination schedule provided that it take care of all non-law students without causing them conflicts with their other examinations. The School of Medicine (this does not include pre-medical courses) is authorized to make its own examination schedule provided that it take care of all non-medical students without causing them conflicts with their other examinations. DEANE W. MALOTT, Chancellor.