DIVISION IlI—Field B ‘ : PREREQUISITE No. TIME Szuc. Day CouRsE Counsus Cr.|Room | Bupa.| INsrrucTror ECONOMICS 1 8:30 MTWTEFE | Introductory Economics....| Not open to juniors} 5 205 F Youngberg and seniors ; 9:30 MTWTE | Introductory Economics....| Ditto............ 5 417 Ss McCluggage 10:30 MTWTE | Introductory Economics....| Ditto............ 5 306 F 1:30 MTWTE | Introductory Economies....| Ditto............ 5 502 Ss Gagliardo *4 9:30 TTS ICONOMIC seaShOry. ck Sarl eee aek So ek es 3 210 M — *5 9:30 MWF Priceiand Dustribution 2. cline sees es oe 3 501 Ss 1:30 MWF iPricevang Distribution <. ..:. decas.io ou we eee 3 210 M Youngberg 9 11:30 MWe | Accounting lpet: 552.055 beeen esa see 3 | 210} M | Roark 2:30 MWFE ACOOUMEIN Sa fiasitics ss ell ae eee cee ae 3 et M Sheaks 3:30 MWF Accountingte 2: So 8s ee earns eds 3 222 FS | Blocker 10 8:30 MWF Accounting Plis< 2..55.6.. Oe Sis eks eee 3 210 M Roark 10:30 MWFE Accounting Bt his ae Oeil e et sees 3 210 M Louhi 2:30 MWF Accounting Tiss. << 6sl. ss Oe ees eS 3 210 M Louhi *25 11:30 MWF Cost Accounting... .2.... LOS tae eel wa tas 3 417 Ss Blocker *40 11:30 MWF Elementary Statistics...... 3 hours Econ. and 3 206 Ss Dade Col. Algebra 2:30 MWF Elementary Statistics...... Dittonce tas o 501 Ss Pritchard 80 2:30 MWF Marketing... face cet s ...| 5 hrs. Economics..| 3 9 FS | Pritchard 90 11:30 MTWTFE | Principles of Economics....} Not open to those 5 222 FS | Ise who have had 1 or 5 130 1:30< esi MW Corporation Finance....... wl Qt0r O62 eo oe ae 3 222 FS | Pritchard 150 9:30 MWF Money and Banking....... DPOLQO sss os, he 3 206 Ss Pritchard 161 10:30 MWF PublicePinancess 6 3.8 sees SOL withion. coer. 3 222 FS | Ise 170 10:30 TES Labor Economics.......... DOL OOne ee ee 3 222 FS | Gagliardo 175 2:30 EE Personnel’ Management o02) | os. si oo es oe 2 222 FS | Rogers 193 8:30 MWF Ady. Prin:-of. Economies: «.| 5 or 90... 45.5 2... 3 222 FS | Ise 198 9:30 > EAs War Heonomy Problems 201 ole 2 Sie ss Seok, 2 222 FS | Stockton Not open to those who have had course 55. Not open to those who have had course 55 or 56. ie.