DIVISION IIl—Field C—Continued PREREQUISITE No. TIME Src. Day ‘CouRSE Gocases Cr.|Room | Bupa.| INstrRucToR PHYSIOLOGY 1 ee ees, Roatlre at rcneere eels Elementary Physiologyt§..|.-.---+-:++-++++++- 5 : 8:30 MWEF TEOGRIES © ore fe Bens woes ic liecaieck cap Cece sith wiaeroul oe eliete 101A| H Ivy 10:30 MWF TiGaive oe eae neces os a ey ieee thie 101A) H Walling 1:30 MWF TeeGUUS Se eee SR ec [AIGNER Ae cele eteletecoilous ae 101A| H Kirk 3:30 Set VEE Waive cee CSA he tas wep bea his Oto 101A} H _| Walling 8:30510:20} ...: PT. Tam OLAGOLY Go hd be. oie eels ds ette ead bisteese Seige acelin 102 H Ivy 10730-1220) ccc EP MaborntOry. arses dence| ce gece cos se mate nee 102 H Walling 1:30-3:20 PE MBRDOTALOLY cs i gee led wet ee, os cetera eee 102 H Kirk 3:30-5:20 Te Wistboratory. ee os hoes. se eee oobi nee deals 102 H Walling 50 9:30 MWF Human Physiology{t....... H. 8. or Col. course] 3 | 101A] H Walling in either Chem. or Biol. 162 Appt Appt Adv. Topics in Physiology..| 165 or 170........ 2-5 | Appt.| Appt.| Woodard, Stoland VG5. RRA eS Cas eer meee General Physiology........ (See catalogue)....} 5 2:30 MWF TRG EVIT OC eis Sara ws | Opes ess poorer ells: ote 101A) H Woodard 1:30-3:20 TE MSR DOESGOLY. foes so <5 oon u| = aasieig es ee hae [te ah 101C| H Woodard 170) Raa ihn al hes ae ectee a Medical Physiology........|--+-+ee eee ee eeeee 5 8:30 MWF PSG Mie I kk ee et | BSS te 209 F Stoland 9:30-12:20 MW GAD OVE LOU Pit es elle terse woe c ote ese sierere [ters 101C|) Stoland, Kirk OAR Gs ees Seiler. | taeaseepe ce uate Medical Physiology........ DORR ohas oo erent 5 8:30 ale EW SOLEIL ates ein | Dteaiere bie et Cees otonerell inners 101 Ss Woodard 9:30-12:20| A F TAA OLALOLY coche) est sfeisre lecce petere so yore geelarens [pers 101C| H Woodard, Ivy 9:30-12:20! B S ESO UR CONUS sore ited Pa Lai hecer ear emera elena aie tO ol opt iermters 101C| H Woodard, Ivy + Not open to those who { Enrollment may be ma lecture and laboratory. have had course 50. de for any desired combination of lecture + Not open to those who have had course 1. ue pec and laboratory sections, but must include both