DIVISION I—Field B—Concluded i PREREQUISITE No. TIME Day . CouRSsE Gouna Cr.|Room | Bupe.| InstrRucToR ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES FRENCH if 10:30 MTWTE | Elementary Frenchf.......)....2-- +s ee eee eens 5 113 FS | Towne 1-V 8:30 MTWTEFE | Essentials of Frencht......|........ 200-0 sees i 107 FS | Crumrine and 9:30 TE Dini 9:30 MTWTE | French Read. and Grammar | 1... ..:....-...-. 5 113 FS | Towne 1:30 MTWTE | French Read. and Grammar | 1............+---- 5 109 FS | Towne 3-V 10:30 MWE Translator’s Prepar. Course | 3, or 2 and a 2.2 3 119 FS | Carman gr. pt. ave., or 2 and Spanish 2 4 9:30 TT French Composition....... Sor withis...63- 2 2 119 FS | Mahieu < 9:30 MWF French Conversation....... 5 or 12, or with 2 119 FS | Mahieu 5 or 12 12 10:30 MWEF Class’1 and Romantic Read.| 3 and 4,,or with 4 3 lil FS | NeuenSchw’der 13 10:30 EE: Adv. French Composition...| 5 or 12, or with 5 2 111 FS | Carman or 12, and 4 or 6 153 1:30 MWEF Hist. of Early French Lit...| 5 or 12........... 3 107 FS | Mahieu 158 2:30 MWF _ | The Romatic Movement II | Ditto............ 3 | 107 | FS | Mahieu 166 1:30 TE Krench: Writing 2... sas. Ls 13 ae aida k es tes 2 107 FS | Mahieu 201 Appt. Appt. Special Reading in French..| 25 hrs. of French. .| 1-2 Appt. | Appt. | Crumrine : ITALIAN 22 8:30 MWF Blemp italian ll. : 65.3 05 + Die Sonia aarraeNs 3 111 FS | Carman PORTUGUESE 71 2:30 MWF Elem. Portuguese II....... FO eee eia ee hares 3 111 FS | Osma SPANISH 1 8:30 MTW TLE: |: Blem.-Spanish{ 23. 3. ee eee Wine 5 113 FS | Barrett 1:30 MTWIPF) | Elem. Spanish] «2s... 0:0 sf. ee eile ees 5 113 FS | Crumrine 2:30 MiTWOE |: Blom. Spamish4.. 6... cc's [ine ci es ele. 5 109 FS | Hardman 1-V 10:30 MTWTE | Essentials of Spanish] .....|....0...-20----008- 7 107 FS | Gardner and 11:30 ETA 2 8:30 MTWTE | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1..........-.---- 5 119 FS | German 9:30 MTWTE | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1...........--+-- 5 205 B Barrett 10:30 MTWTF | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1............-.-- 5 109 FS | Elliott 11:30 MTWTE | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1..........-.---- 5 109 FS | Winter 1:30 |....| MTWTF | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1..........-+---- 5 108 FS | Robertson. 2:30 A | MTWTE | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1..............--- 5 119 FS | Barrett 2:30 B | MTWTF | Span. Read. and Grammar, | 1..............-- 5 113 FS | Ogilbee 3 9:30 MWF Modern Spanish Writers....| 2.........+-+---- 3 109 FS | Winter 1:30 MWF Modern Spanish Writers....| 2.......++0+0e0+- 3 119 FS | Elliott 4 9:30 Lr Spanish Composition.......| 3, or with 3....... 2 109 FS | Winter 1:30 ee Spanish Composition....... WNGEOR iw ee eee 2 111 FS | Osma 5 9:30 MWF Spanish Prose and Poetry...| 3 and 4 or with 4..| 3 107 FS | Gardner 7 11:30 MWF Spanish Conversation...... 5; or with 5... 2: 3; 2 114: FS | Shoemaker 11 8:30 MWF Commercial Spanish....... Seta iio ee ell SO 109 FS | Winter 155 9:30 MWE Contemp. Spanish Novel 153-01 164 6.355445 3 111 FS | Shoemaker and Criticism 157 1;30 MWF Don Quiotew. es Cl oe Boe arth ee ae 3 Late, FS | Osma 181 9:30 TT Studies in Spanish Style— 20 hrs. of Spanish, 2 111 FS | Osma Oral and Written including 7 201 Appt. Appt. Special Reading in Spanish, | 25 hrs. of Spanish, | 1-2 | Appt. | Appt. | Staff + Not open to those who have had a year of French in high school. 4 Not open to those who have had a year of Spanish in high school. Lge: