DIVISION I—Field B No. TIME SEc Day CouRSE ooo Cr.|Room | Bupa.| Instructor GERMAN 1-V 8:30 MTWTF | Essentials of Germanf.....|.........2-0e000e- 306 F Anderson and 9:30 Be sites eaten on. tise tte A. Nes | ee ol Soars 306 F Anderson 1 2:30 |... ..| MTWTE | Elementary Germanf......|.......22.03...4. 310 F Staff 2 9:30 A | MTWTF | German Reading and Gram.| 1................ 308 F Hagemann 9:30 B | MTWTF | German Reading and Gram.| 1................ 310 F Staff 10:30 |....| MTWTF | German Reading and Gram.| 1................ 308 F Hagemann 1:30 A.| MTWTF | German Reading and Gram.| 1................ 308 F Hagemann 1:30 B | MTWTF | German Reading and Gram.| 1................ 310 F Staff 3a 3:30 MWF Modérm:German:Writers 0 |°20 5 2 ee. 308 F Hagemann 8e 9:30 MWF Scientific German......... Dee ee ee 306 F Anderson SLAVIC 1 11:30 MTWTF | Elementary Russian....... Permis. of instr... . 308 F Anderson LATIN AND GREEK LATIN 2 9:30 MAP WiRt | “Caesar cies eet a, Deere cae ae 206 F Lind 4 2:30 MWEF Vergil’s Aeneid............ 3A and 3B, except 206 F Lind by permission 12 1:30 MWF Greek and Roman Mythol..|.......:.......... 206 F Grant 15 10:30 MTWTEFE | Col. Review of Latin....... 1 or 2 units of 206 F Lind H. S. Latin 157 3:30 MWF The Annals of Tacitus..... 50 and 51, except 208 F Lind by permission GREEK 22 3:30 MWF Xenophon’s Anabasis...... PU RS ica 208 F Grant 33 8:30 MWF Greelaine Bnglishiiacs 02S ole ee 206 F Grant 69 2:30 MWF Plato’s Apology: :......... By permission..... 208 F Grant 186 1:30 CT The Greek Dramaiin: Trans .| 2.5.7 2.4j.0% sey es 206 F Grant 188 8:30 TE Greek and: Roman(Sculp.:. Joie = ke 206 F Grant f+ Not open to students who have had a year of German in high school.