DIVISION IV—Continued PREREQUISITE No. TIME Src. Day CouRsE Cocnsss Cr.}/Room |} Bupa. | INstRuctTOR ART _ CERAMICS 29 8:30-11:20}.... Tu Geramits eer igih ec cscte ssh rea nuiere Meee eee 1-2 8 |Sp-Th M| Frazier 1:30-4:20 |.... eee 30 8:30-11:20].... Tu Ceramics T0253 oi, ears DOR eta eee 1-2 8 |Sp-Th M| Frazier 1:30-4:20 er 69 1:30-4:20 MW Sovlprurocdecti te oils se ake PS ee ete ee 2 8 |Sp-Th M] Frazier 70 1:30-4:20 MW Soulpturesh cesses es BOR A ee 2 8 |Sp-Th M)| Frazier DESIGN 13 1:30-4:20 MTuw PIGS TSS. ila ese [ee ee erect 3 1 |Sp-Th M| Bush 14 1:30-4:20 |... MTuwW PGs eet oa ae Ise ce Soi ose 3 1 |Sp-Th Bush HO acdOlD. M505. or @agrmoutlage Desens er ose ee ene ea BP eee M - Jones 42 11:30 WF History of Ornament Lr sooo) 3446 bos en ae 2 1 |Sp-Th M! Jones 55 4:30 LT Graphic: Processess. ci Soke ees ete ee one hae 2 1 |Sp-Th M| Jones : DRAWING V7 1:30-4:20 Tu Nature and Museum StudyI].................. 1 1 |Sp-Th M} Bush 18 1:30-4:20 Tu Nat:.and> Museum Study Gb U7863 ee i 1 1 |Sp-Th M| Bush DRAWING & PAINTING 1 1:30-3:20 MWEF Antique EiGhrechand Dye ees. a Bas 2 | 4thfl.| DM Bloch 2 1:30-3:20 MWFE Antique\IL (Freehand ID) 212.3000 SS. 2 | 4th fil.) DM Bloch 7 10:30 Th Composition Ls. 5b sacs Sek ee Os 2 | 4th fl.| DM Bloch 1:30-4:20 Th 8 10:30 Th Composition TI}. 23.545. 2 Te Se Ee 2 | 4thfé.|) DM Bloch 1:30-4:20 Th 33 1:30-4:20 Appt. StiPbife tt ee ee De RR CS Petey tars 2-3 | 4th fl.| DM Bloch 34 1:30-4:20 Appt. Sell ste TE ae a eS es BE EE re eee Oe 2-3 | 4th A.) DM Bloch 72 11:30 Ty History of Painting IV..... TER eae 2 103 G Bloch HANDCRAFTS 2 8:30-11:20].... Tu General HandecraftsI...... Design’ TE cs 1 5 |Sp-Th M} Schwartz 27 8:30-11:20]. <>. Th Book bisa le SoBe et FS aoe eke es eS 2 5 |Sp-Th M| Schwartz 28 8:30-11:20'.... Th Bookbinding FT) 4.64 2050 Ss: ST eee: Lets 2 5 |Sp-Th M| Schwartz HYGIENE 1 | 11:30 |....|| MWF_ | Personal and Com. Healtht |............... Nt Bb 806a Asling + May count in Division II, Field C. 2