DIVISION IV—Continued PREREQUISITE No. TIME Sc. Day CouRsE Cccneus Cr.|Room | Bupe.| Instructor MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS (Nonprofessional) (R. O. T. C.) Group I—FRESHMEN (See note) 2 7:30 MW Const Artillery Subjects... 2). |i0. .3 es eeecieek 1 205 | Fow. | Ley 8:30) 2 ee: EE Coast Artillery; Subjects. a: . [50s oe ee3 deed? 203 | Fow. | Ley 10:30 MW Coast Artillery; Subjects s,).1|/sccstie. ounce. 1 205 | Fow. | Ley 2:30 MW Coast Artillery: Subjects 4.2.| 62.0) he Fics as on 1 203 | Fow. | Ley 2F 7:30 MW Infantry Sublests.i...... Pac aleawiee a ee 1 202 | Fow. |} Wilson 8:30 TT Intantry:Subjectsc: oc csc ale Pet piboraneaares 1 206 | Fow. | Hucks 10:30 MW Infantry Subjeets 25s) Ooo Si ataeee ake 1 206 | Fow. | Hucks 2:30 MW infantry, Subjects =... 6s | eas wee as 1 206 | Fow. | Hucks 4:30 MW Mal. Physical Conditionine® |eiarue tie Avene sales lis soles Fow. | Gage (required) t Groupe I—SOPHOMORES (See note) 4 7:30 ey Coast Artillery Subjects. 2.0] 52... 6055 cc aiys oie if 205 | Fow. | Baker 8:30 MW Coast Artillery: Subjects: 52). 2¢0n ee Vee, f 1 205 | Fow. | Baker 10:30 TT Goast Artillery Subjects’ sice|.2 teats ccee ew... 1 205 | Fow. | Baker 2:30 MW Coast. Artillery :Subjects. :. ohisieas he oeaiesis. i 205 | Fow. | Baker 4F 7:30 ee dntantry: Subjects!) aos ie ir oe es 1 202 | Fow. | Wilson 8:30 MW Infantry. ‘Subjecta:; 335324 Se a 1 202 | Fow. | Wilson 10:30 ey Infantry. Subjects. t'...°. prea eens patra <5 il 202 | Fow. | Wilson 2:30 MW MTA LLY, DUDICCIS ane Acre ee ae ann entes 1 202 | Fow. | Wilson 4:30 MW Mal Physical Conditioning. |e 2254.6 si tos tal hoe Pee a 8 Fow. | Gage (required)t MUSIC All students wishing College credit for Voice, Violin, or Piano must appear for an examination before the faculties of the various departments on Saturday, January 23, at 9:00 a.m., if they have not previously done so. 1 1:30 2 - 8:30 8:30 9:30 2:30 5 1:30 5a 1:30 6 8:30 9:30 11:30 6a | 8:30 9:30 11:30 21 11:30 22 9:30 10:30 wb: re WF WF MUSICAL THEORY Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. I.. Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. II Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. IT Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. II Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. II Harmony dose ca. . ane Keyboard Harmony I°..... Harmony Ll yo) obec ee can Harmony Ly. 28S. . eet Harmony lf .632 asin d cen Keyboard Harmony II..... Keyboard Harmony II..... Keyboard Harmony II..... Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. III Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. IV Sight Sing. and Ear Trn. IV ~ March, April, and May, only. Notre.—Group I must be completed before credit will be given in that group; Group I must starting Group II. ° Students in Harmony I will be given an examination in Music Fundamentals after the first four weeks. failing to pass this examination will enroll in Harmony 0 for no credit. es 131 131 131 131 131 FS | Cass FS | Cass FS | Cass FS | Cass FS | Cass FS | Cass FS | Cass FS | Palmer FS | Palmer FS | Cass FS | Palmer FS | Palmer FS | Cass FS | Stuhl FS | Stuhl FS !| Stuhl be completed before Those