lle Summary of Individual Player Analysis Player Ae Guarde This playor was in 9 homo games for 328.5 minutes and had a player cfficiency rating ef 97.3%. Ue was the number one man in almost any way that hoe could be ratede He carncd 2098 evaluation points and 122 score pointse He made 47 goals (32.6%) and 28 free throws (59.6%) and had a ball handling error rate of 1.17%. In carning the high scorer position on the squad he made more passes than catchcsSe This is partly duc to his willingness to cooperate and to his position as a guarde There were three men on the squad that took more shots por minute of playing timo. Of these three men none had as good an average of made shotse During his long playing time he made only 13 personal fouls; two of his teammates with less playing time exeecded his total number of fouls and five teanmmtes made more fouls per min- ute of playing timc. He wis an excellent ball handlor, a dandy shot and a team player. The coach, his fellow players, the froshman squad, and tho statistics are in complete agreement on his offensive ability and listed him as the number one player on the squaide ee Playor Be Forward and Contore From the standpoint of timo, this playor played more minutes (266) than any other player except Player Ae Ho was also second high scorer, earning 66 points by making 23 goals (2721%) and 30 free throws (6627%)ยป From the standpoint of evalue ation points, he was also seeond carning 1307 points, and had a playing cfficiency of 9262%. In ball handling orrors ho rated 209%e Six of his teammates rated poor= er in this department. However, in spite of his errors in ball handling he made more passes at the opportunt time to players who scored than any other individuale Even on immediate assists per minute he rated second to only one other player, and this player played only 22.5 minutes during the scasone Thore were four men on the squad that took more shots per minutee He was the only forward on the team to make more passes than catches who played more than 22.5 minutes. He had only 8 personal fouls and fas the only player with over 200 playing minutos to havo so few foulse He was rated third by his follow players, and second by his coach and the freshmen playerse Player Ce Guarde Player C played 263.5 minutos, earning 1300 ovaluation points and 31 seore points, scoring 13 goals (3303%) and 5 free throws (71e4%)~e He handled the ball on passes and catches 1004 times which is the second greatest nimber on the squad and had a ball handling error rato of 1.7% which is next to that of players A and Ge This player took a total of 39 shots and this is the smallest number of shots for any of the players that had over 200 minutes of playing timoe As a guard he was in position to recover rebounds fron off the oppenont's backboarde He rem covered 48 times, as compared to Playor Ats 50 times, and on a basis of recoverios per minute of playing time he is the leader for the teame This player mssed tho ball 128 timcs more than he caught ite On the basis of the data gathered this player is a good ball passor and rebound recoverer, which is a great assot to tho teame On ball handling he has a very low pereontage of errors and has a playing efficiency of 96.64% which makes him the number two man on tho squade His tcane mates rated him second on offensive ability, and his coach and the froshnen rated him third.