DIVISION II—Field C—Continued No. TIME Src, Day CouRsE BIOCHEMISTRY LOO al ects eet te Ls Wee ae Biological Chemistry....... 1:30 MTWTF Hecture 4 i--ee 2:30-4:20 M Baboratory.. 3. sei. cs. S. Oates ee |WOr ie bere oes cs Advanced Biological Chem.{ 2:30-4:20 Woe tesals eae Siero ies, ey 2:30-5:20 Meals rus Fee hor ea ee eect BOTANY Dee valeras : (ate eins a The Living Plant9........ 10:30 MWEF ectime ce a 10:30-12:20].... EE aborstoryas ss << oe! The Living Plant§......... 1:30 MWF ecture se a ee 130-3520 |205:% TE aboratory2cicic: = 2 {10:30-12:20]....| MWF The Plant KingdomJ...... 61 2:30 Bes gt ACW Trees and Shrubs.......... 150 8:30-10:20]....] MWFEF Systematic Botany........ 170 Appt. Appt. Botanical Problems........ ENTOMOLOGY Vos eeesor s... Eeeatisil abe sid Sits eck Biology of Insects If....... ' 9:30 fee als EWE dhecture. Oa es 8:30-10:20].... eT BDOLAtOLY see Biology of Insects It....... 1:30 MWE Hecbure 04s ok 1a 1:30-3:20 DA Paboratory 3 57 8:30 fh Household and Garden IMseCtS= sca tee ee 151 |10:30-12:20]. MWEF Morphology of Insects II... 155a Appt. Appt. Taxonomy of Insects....... 158 10:30 Tt Insects and Public Health. . 160 3:30-5:20 alee Medical Entomology....... 166 Appt. Appt. Tamnbdlogry. ses es Bb 264 Appt. Appt. Special Problems.......... PREREQUISITE Cocasns Cr.|Room | Bupa.| Instructor Chemistry 161....] 5 dios tale ac: Spears Pal eiaes 103 | BCL | Nelson, Garber Nr Merete ater er eee, Pe pee 9 103 | BCL | Nelson, Garber 150‘and (51s? 38 2-5 wigida sk Meee Es |e 103 | BCL | Nelson, Garber a oodig Seater NM sey shee ce gee gt 103 | BCL | Nelson, Garber Salis Mee iia 5 Stee ote eae grt an re ae 417 Ss Horr neg ee ce Sen ae a ee .-| 401 SS} Horr IR Gala e a. aR a scree jaye te tees Weer Oh Soh megs 417 Ss Mix Sai cies Viet ean 401 Ss Mayberry, Dill Meee Gee ate 3 414 Ss Mayberry Poti aU wate iad EN Nel au 3 417 Ss Mayberry dnialericiae Rae tenes 2 414 Ss Horr (See catalogue)....| 3-5 | Appt.) S Staff Risin c ckensua > ae ete 5 oto 2 SEM ahaa al. ede er 301 Ss Doering CBs tay REMe carat Be Geto - | SOL Ss Doering RUG Miah Naan eta eRe 5 Ba) Sher RR aaa eae 301 Ss Doering tee iste Sv sar eas Oe 301 Ss Doering Beacon ita ann 2 304 Ss Lawson 10 hrs. of Biol., in- 3 325 Ss Doering cluding Ento. 1. Preah teat gies 3 325 Ss Beamer Biase Gas Ay ee me NTE, 2 304 Ss Hungerford 158, or with 158...] 2 304 Ss Hungerford 1 and Zoél. 1, or 3 325 Ss Hungerford Bact. 150 and C. E. 74, Seniors by permis’n| 2-5 | Appt.| S Staff ¢ No student may receive more than 10 hours of credit in courses 150, THE: foo: ical or Biological Science. Not open to students who have credit for course 50. 7 Not open to those who have had course 50. is These courses may count as Phys-