DIVISION IlI—Field B—Continued PREREQUISITE No. TIME Sxc. Day CouRSsE Circus Cr.|/Room |} Bupa.| Instructor POLITICAL SCIENCE 1 8:30 MWF Prin; of Government}... conan Sees ee oes 3 3 G Sandelius *10 9:30 MIW EF: | AmeridantGovernment; <2 2:0). 0. 6. 26a Aa = es 5 105 G Stene 10:30 MTEWTE | American Government) )2s is eee ne a ee 5 105 G Sandelius 1:30 MTWTEFE | American Government.....|...........0.00005 5 210 B Chubb 36 11:30 MWEF Modern Governments at 1, or 10, or a course 3 106 G Gibson, Stene War II: Impact of War | in general American on American Govr. History 90 Appt. Appt. Reading for Honors........| Permis. of the dept.| 2-5 | Appt.) Appt.| Staff 98 Appt. Appt. Senior Seminars; 2c. saleid os Dittoc nee oes 2-5 | Appt.| Appt.| Staff 152 8:30 Tr Natl: Administration: i0:s:6. |) 20.5 he os 2 103 G Chubb 154 1:30 MWF Comp. Government...:8 6:25] 3h, OP 102 aeons 3 305 | F Sandelius | 156 2:30 MWF International Law......... LOS a eR 3 106 G Chubb 160 | 11:30 asl Recent Political Theories...) 25 hrs.in Div. III, | 2 105 | G Gibson incl. Pol. Science 1 or 10 162 2:30 TEEE, Legislature and Legislation, | 8 hrs. Pol. Science 2 103 G Stene - SOCIAL SCIENCE SURVEY 15 6:30 Al MT WOE | Social’Science Surveyt: ales. .s oe 5 101 Ss Gibson + Not open to students who have already had more than 5 hours of Political Science. = Not open to majors in Economics, Sociology, or Political Science. behest ase.