DIVISION II—Field B—Continued CouRsE No. TIME SEc. Day CHEMISTRY—Concluded AS [et tn cream Maka Piecora ae ecees 3:30 ane M 8:30-11:20].... WF or 1:30-4:20 Jhb h PAO ECan nmaceslinc sey es os ok 1:30 a TL 8:30-11:20]....)| MWF or 1:30-4:20 MWEF 51 11:30 MWF 88 Appt. Appt Bd ee es |e et oe 1:30 rr 9:30-12:20 MWF or 1:30-4:20 MWEF 152A Appt. Appt. 152C Appt. Appt. GA er ere te s5c os [oe reece Appt. Appt Appt Appt 155 Appt Appt RG El cee eae oo aca cake ses 11:30 MWF or 1:30 9:30-12:20].... TT or 1:30-4:20 TYE NOS! ete. Cee hele Sates = 9:30 Se | WE 9:30-12:20].... Ts or 1:30-4:20 TT 170 8:30 MWF fat or steel 2 oe ede 8:30 TTS 1:30-4:20 Tr TD Ae ee oe ee ok cs a 10:30 se MWF 8:30-11:20).... TT 264 1:30-4:20 WE GEOGRAPHY SO eliccons es lee ee 8:30 Severn |e 8:40-10:20].... DT 3a 8:30 MWF 4 10:30 TT 7 9:30 MWF 8 10:30 MWF Quantitative Analysis...... Lecture 2s east aboratory: 3.23% sc. Laboratory. 5.7 ous Quantitative Analysis...... eCtIne sates ee Haboratony:: 6c. «4h WADOTACOLY= = soc ee Survey of Chemistry§...... Special Problems in Chem. . Adv. Quantitative Anal.... Wecture’. gic ee ess Laboratory:. . Gace cs. EiQbOratory-cs tosh es Food: Analysis 0o Po2: <=. Oil-Analysis. 2 3b. se Sanitary Chemistry I°..... Dectune. a cain cee Baporatory 33-3558. Sanitary Chemistry II°.... Organic Chemistry I....... Lecture and Recitation. . aboratory..<325.45 soe haboratoryes kis C5524 Organic Chemistry II...... EeCturea a ee SSDOFRCOLy:s os: 5 sane aDOLatoryic.. casts s Elem. Physical Chemistry. . Physica] Chemistry I...... Becture ss esc Eaboratory 2.6 S353 Physical Chemistry II...... Ibecture 235 3 ie ees Laboratory. ao. os es Qualitative Organic Anal... Principles of Geography.... MGECUUTO sos force a sais WaBOLatory. sss cli aieee acu Principles of Geography... . Economic Geography...... IMBtCOLOlOR Yc. .=. eis. oS dhe hariast. > ..c05 5 oe § Not open to students who have had five hours of college chemistry. ° Counts as professional credit toward the A. B. degree. Log) PREREQUISITE CouRSES Cr. ere meee. arse ka as 3 Se en ek. 5 Reet eee eres tae 3 (See catalogue)....} 2-5 5 hrs. Quan. Anal. 5 48, or 49, and 161 oS AS Or 49 a cece. 2 48, or 49, or C.E. 74) 3 154 and Bact. 150 3 Berea eee on ee is WOU ee aes wine 5 (See catalogue)....| 3 DIGIO 3 a5 of et 5 L7deor 17 1B Ss 5 163 Seah Ser 5 2 2 yrs. H. S. Math. 5 DiGbOss oss s te 3 SO acne cde eis gate 2 2yrs.H.S.Math.and| 3 lyr. H.S. Physies. BS ae ie Nas c Room | Bupa.| Instructor 205 | BCL | Weeks 208 | BCL | Weeks, assts. 208 | BCL | Weeks, assis. 201 | BCL | Weeks 208 | BCL | Weeks, assts. 208 | BCL | Weeks, assts. 301 | BCL | Stratton Appt.} Appt.| Staff 3801 | BCL | Allen 208 | BCL | Allen, Weeks, assts. 208 | BCL | Allen, Weeks, assts. 308 | BCL | Werner 18 | BCL | Allen 2 M Haney 2 M Haney 2 M Haney 201 | BCL | Vander Werf 108 | BCL | Brewster, assts. 108 | BCL | Vander Werf, assts. 201 | BCL | Brewster 108 | BCL | Brewster, assts. 108 | BCL | Vander Werf, assts. 101 | BCL | Taft 101 | BCL | Taft 110 | BCL | Taft, assts. 101 | BCL.| Taft 110 | BCL | Taft, assts. 306 | BCL | Stratton 201 H Posey 201 isk Posey 201 H Posey 208 H Posey 208 H Posey 208 H Posey