REQUIREMENTS: DIVISION Ii—Field B GROUP MAJOR IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES—MATHEMATICS A group major in the physical sciences is offered as a means of training students who expect to be- come high-school teachers in this field. (1) A minimum of ten hours work in each of the Departments of Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics; and (2) a minimum of twelve hours of junior-senior work in some one of these departments. The regulations governing the maximum credits obtainable in de- partments, fields, and divisions also apply. Those planning to teach the physical sciences are expected to enroll for this major, and should consult the group adviser, Prof. A. W. Davidson. PREREQUISITE No. TIME Sc. Day CouRSsE Coenans Cr.|Room | Bupa.| InstrucTrorR ASTRONOMY TD ee ea elo oases erates tease Descriptive Astronomyf....| lyr.H.S.Alg.and| 3 1 | Obs. | Storer 1 yr. H. S. Geom. 9:30 EE Lecture. Appt: Appt: Problems. (2 hrs.) BQ yee De aan 8 aes ceca sea Na yieationens: © 0b os ce sie Col. Alg. and Trig. 3 1 | Obs. | Storer 1:30 ED: Lecture. Appt. Appt Problems. (2 hrs.) + Credits in 12 and 13 together satisfy the laboratory science requirement. BIOCHEMISTRY May count either as Physical Science or Biological Science. (See Biological Science for schedule.) PREREQUISITE No. TIME Src. Day CouRsE Couns Cr.|Room | Bupe.| Instructor CHEMISTRY ies ealicy eae iis eac cecmedstouae sb General Chemistryf........ 1 year each H. S. 5 Alg. and Geom. - 9:30 Sipseail ccs Wale: ec hureni: gi Gio aia oc eee 301 | BCL | Stratton 8:30-10:20].... diay PapOrntOrn ee aoe ee es ares sialon a ...| 806 | BCL | Stratton, assts. DESY Ss weet ee nee |e ie mereigcan che Inorganic Chemistryf...... Dittose: ho eee 5 §:30 or 2:30). |) -MWwe WGCtULO Ge isin ilies Rio ce ont ee encase 305 | BCL | Davidson 8:30-11:20).... er Baboratoryncacc sey ee |e va ee een eae 306 | BCL | Vander Werf, or assts. 1:30-4:20 en Pe boratonys sees a | cles tees antes 3806 | BCL | Davidson, assts. Belcan Aalst acta a kee Inorg: Chem: t& QualiAnals |22 3. oc ise & 8:30 or'2:30|. . :. AME: ECCHUTG Ao eee reee ees Lc crea ater oneGheveteYorsiias 305 | BCL | Sisler 8:30-11:20]....| MWF ig bOoretoryeccc arene crcl eile sie c a a oases 206 | BCL | Sisler, assts. or 1:30-4:20 MWF GHOLRLOLY: ose Ss Ante cies oe eee ...| 206 | BCL | Sisler, assts. Be Ge kt en Re sea aoa oe tee ee Elem. Organic Chemistry..| 5 hrs. Col. Chem..| 5 10:30 254) EW) Tecture and Recitation 5.62. 6. oe ie fee ets 301 | BCL | Stratton 10:30-12:20!... ee WaboratOLy ic shee Ue one orice heres soters 306A| BCL | Stratton, assts. + Students who have credit for Chemistry 1 will receive only three hours credit for Chemistry 2. J Not a substitute for 161.