UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, 1942-1943 Facilities for Supervised Teaching are offered by the —_ of Education in the following departments: Biological Science, Commercial Subjects, Dramatics, Drawing and Design, Economics, English, History, Home Economics, Mathe- matics, Music, Physical Education, Physical Science, Political Science, Spanish, Speech, Social Studies, Special Schools. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES FOR SUPERVISED TEACHING BY DEPARTMENTS Commercial Subjects: M96a. Supervised Teaching in 8 —e 1 UHS. Newcomb. MTWTF ATARI © sore so sic so Ss RUREENIIME Soe ys Sigs ve o's MTWTF : So Drawing and Design: M55a and M56a. Supervised Teaching in Art. 402 Fraser. Cooke. Drawing and Design (Girls).. MTWTF 2:30 Drawing and Design (Boys), MTWTF 2:30 English: M86a. puerreed Teaching in a UHS.* Fee. eRe Sa so oss oases s MTW 8:30 pe rere Sacer Pee MWF 11:30 MDE AEE sg bs ore 'e's oa MIWTF 9:30 oS ee errno MTWTF 11:30 OBE Eee... oe '0.o'ore be MTWTF 10:30 PRE OER SOs iin So ces oes MTWTF 2:80 Home Economics: M838a. Supervised Teaching in Home Economics, 8 Fraser. Hoesly. Home Economies (Girls).... MTWTF 10:30 Home ecnisieiuk (Boys)....MTWTF 10:30 Latin: PIRRNOME 5s oc classe ot MTWTF 8:30 Wit Ee is cose kes MTWTF 11:30 Lowrance PG BEE cleo vec tise 6 oad MTWTF 10:30 Mathematics: M89a. Supervised Teaching in Mathematics. er * Ulmer, Camien. AIO Boe 8 5 bo oisk oa © MTWTF 8:3 MeN ee es a a MTWTF 10:30 Algopra 111 Gall)... 335.6 5. MTWTF 9 30 ERRAHIetE ose eios se oes sce MTWTF 11:30 Solid Geometry (spring)....MTWTF 9:30 TOES os a gs ee MTWTF 2:30 Music: M68a and M64a. Supervised Teaching in — UHS.* Gaston. Glee Club (Girls).......... MWF 8:3 Glee Club (Boys)......... TW 3:30 OS ae eee MF 3 4 Natural Science: M81a. Supervised Teaching in Biological Sciences. 21 UHS. Bayles. M99a. Supervised Teaching in Physical Sciences. 21 UHS. General Science ............ MTWTF 10:30 Chemistry or Physics....... MTWTF 2:30 GLORY crea stp i's Cheese asim MTWTF 9:30 . Physical Education: M94a. Supervised Teaching yea Favace ee 107 and 108 Robinson. Stapleton, Shenk. Physical Education ........ Social Studies: M91a. Supervised Teaching in Social ——. 20 UHS. Litchen, Coombs. Problems of Democracy..... MTWTF :30 American History ......... MTWTF 10:30 WOE FIBUOTY on 55s sé vie's MTWTF ;: :30 é CIRISOTIANES S85 S55 oe sis MTWTF 2:30 Spanish: M98a. pagsened Ss in Spanish. 109 and 113 Frank Strong. Elliott. NNN Be ace os TWTF 11:30 SONI IR? Sonos bs 5 MTWTF 11:30 Speech and Dramatic Arts: M84a. Supervised Teaching in Speech and Dramatic Arts. 10 UHS. PIRI 8605 oo id ss . Egy BSS Se to ey Re ae pe eee Seen een ee MWF 3:30 * Room numbers for classes will be posted on University High School bulletin board. PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT W. C, AUSTIN, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA 1942 19-4405 SS