UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS College of Liberal Arts and Sciences SPRING, 1943 EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Courses numbered 1-49 are open to Freshmen and Sophomores. Courses numbered 50-99 are open to Juniors and Seniors. Courses numbered 100-199 are open to Juniors, Seniors, and Graduates. Courses numbered 200-299 are open to Seniors and Graduates. * Open to Sophomores, not Freshmen. Prerequisites may be waived only by the Administrative Committee, acting on petitions. ABBREVIATIONS: Anat., Anatomy Building; B, Blake Hall; BCL, Bailey Chemical Labora- tories; DM, Dyche Museum; F, Fraser Hall; Fow., Fowler Shops; FS, Frank Strong Hall, even numbers—West, odd numbers—East; G, Green Hall; H, Haworth Hall; Hoch, Hoch Audi- torium; J, Journalism Building; M, Marvin Hall; My., Myers Hall; Obs., Observatory; R, Robinson Gymnasium; 8, Snow Hall; Sp-Th M, Spooner-Thayer Museum; Union, Memorial Student Union Building; Wat. Hosp., Watkins Memorial Hospital. ORDER OF ENROLLMENT, SPRING SEMESTER, 1943 Tuesday, January 19 SOU = SOOO cen ay oN mee tailigs acs. ap mune Ht pEnaeEe A Seniors, May possibilities D900 Dea ee eae i IPS Lc pels ae EEE S,N,Q Oa OsSO cee eee et ie car ee Soe ce sat Dio LO SOUS ED © ors Geno ee C7 ke etd a ea eri, ch arene Z, O, G, W LPS SOO Ee a as ccc tera ee en is Seman eeiincd Mee, E,B DBO a2 aD oe hei aes eee, wre nt te eee NES SO ET VC AK DBE BLO crass oe ie ee EP AYU Sa scAC ea: eaten ee te eer ee Ce he OAR oo Vic leeks BBO Bins aces cee on os ei hae Ja