DIVISION III—Field B—Concluded PREREQUISITE No. TIME Sxc. Day CouRSsE Gosuace Cr.|Room | Bupa.| Instructor SOCIOLOGY *] 9:30 MTWTFE | Elements of Sociology...... Not open to juniors} 5 210 F Hiseley , and seniors. 1:30 MTWTE | Elements of Sociology...... Ditto Seo eee 5 210 F McCluggage *2 . 11:30 MW |} Social Pathology.......... HOT OO ces 3 S10.) Elliott and appt. *45 3:30 ETP Social Reconstruction of the Post-War World........ 2unitsof H.S.Soc.} 2] 210}; F Elliott Sci., or 5 hours of : Col. Soe. Sci. *46 3:30 MW Peoples and Cultures of the ; IPRCINGL SE ues Sees 5 hrs. of Soc. Sci..| 2 210 F Hiseley 50 8:30 MWF Hléments of Sociology], .. oye SA Ve 3 210 F Smith 10:30 MWEF Hlements of Sociology... 2s) isles cea es ek 3 210 F Elliott 92 Appt. Appt. Honors: @ourse 5 05 6s. 5 (See chmn. of dept.)| 2-5 | Appt.| Appt.| Staff 152 10:30 MWF RuraliSociology 2:5 i. 6 2: Iotra0si ai: 3 310 F Smith 154 9:30 TE Collective Behavior........ Ditto 7 Pe ens 2), 307 F Smith 156 10:30 ET Die Wamilyet on. ct. cs nee DIO Sag eee 2 210 F Twente 167 2:30 ee Population Problems....... 1, or 50, or 15 hrs. 3 210 F Smith and appt. of Econ. 173 2:30 MW Introduc. to Soc:-Case Work] 2... 88 .0.... a 210 F Twente and appt. : i 174 11:30 on Social: Controls sissies an 1, On bOR Mik. ke. 2 210 F Eldridge 178 - 1:30 MW Evolution of Culture....... 1; 01°50; or 158.5. ° 3 307 F EHiseley and appt. : 182 9:30 MWF Personality Problems and Social Relations........ LOE DOM ees 5 3 307 F Eldridge 187 8:30 PE Public Welfare Administra. .| 1, or 50, and 8 hrs. 2 210 F Twente of Pol. Sci. { Not open to those who have had course 1. eqs