AED, MAP STENCIL See Our Exhibit at the SDEA Convention SPEESRR PER... This is just one of : : many new money- saving, time-saving, “teacher-saving’”’ ser- vices of the Mimeo- graph Process. We welcome an_ oppor- tunity to tell you 2 other services. A. B DICK Coe ee: SERVICE Outline maps — clean cut, clear, ac- curate in every detail, at a fraction of - former cost — from Prepared Mimeo- graph Stencils. The stencil is completely prepared, ready for use. SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS Every school using outline maps can effect substantial savings through this service. These stencils can be used on any model Mimeograph. We shall be pleased to submit samples and a price list. y BROWN & SAENGER AUTHORIZED MIMEOGRAPH DEALER “At the sign of the shield” “SIOUX FALLS, S. DAK.