APPOINTMENTS AND BNGAGEMENTS Mar, 18 4:30 Pil. College Faculty Meeting (Tues. ) 7:00 P.M. BoardeTeacher en ee Sy yuour Lies. Ottawa, Kansas Co. pbs Kansas oe to. Mo, Valley playofi, N.C.A.As Mar. 20 ‘ fase Thur. 6:30 P.M. Co-Op Club Varsity Basketball Bancuet wd Wunicipal Auditorium (Fre) Kansas cites WO. Western N,C.A,A. Playoff ar. unicipa AQ (Sat.) Kansas City, Mo Western N.C.A.A, Playoff : | 5 | 8 meet ng to work out a Be Pr.) nhase figh sehool Athletic | i i Py ae & fone aes Warren C, Conner. et mite Mar, 26, (7; Gzo0 Pei, WePherson Webensuere vive Banquet (Wed, ) “4°: 4 7 WiePherson, Kansas Edward Weilepp B. ee: ‘fs, Roof Garden, Hotel Warren Ake? ar, e Th Gyo Fails hansas City Feed Ciub (Thur. ) 4 i ha) sas City, Mo, Mr. Fuller. , : Piliip Hotel | Mar, £9 ) MW@wieipal Aud. (Sat.) 4 #4 Kansas civds Mo. National N.C.A.A. Playoff Apri. 1 7 yj dp Ona Be Altamont Boosters Cab Athletle Banquet: (Tues.) 4} i, B, Borgna i a is | ARTO Noon as (Wed, ) ‘, Kansas City, ido. Metro Club Luncheon Dana Durand BE ids. lluehlebagh Hotel ; ofr a Apr. © Radio Hound Table (Prof (Thu, ) - Station KFKU "Pootballt 10 Years rts Life" 9:30 P.Mi,- 10:00 P.M. (Gene Kemper & Elbel 7) Apr. 7 tr 8 oF > Kansas State here (Baseball) _ APT s (Tues. cline Tapas GrIE Kansas State here (Baseball) price sa Norman, Oklahoma Oklahoma at Norman (Baseball) pr, 16. orman, ahoma Oklahoma at Norman (Baseball nsas Relays Kansss Relays Ae , ns, | | , | (Fri.) Ames, Towa lows State at Ames ere Apr.ecé ? owa ate at 8 aseba (Sate) ___ Ames, Towa gureka, Kansas (Tentative) Sureka, Kansas Gurekea High School Commencement Mr, Kanpsehroeder sureka, Kansas AL Cskeunta, Miasourt Missouri at Columbia ( Baseball (ae) | Cohunbia, “issourt Wiis court at Columbia (Beseball) (ion. ) ; eneahe, evraske | Nebraska at Lineoln (Baseball) Teean) _Lineoln, Ndbiveske Nebraska at Lincoin (baseball) aici — way it | Hudora, Kansas , Budora High School Commencement speech (tentative Date) Seho 1 Comm cement speech | (F /3 ) Welda, Kansas ener oo dwell Hi School Commencement (4 a) eee The aa ee dese) _K,R, Hinkhouse Ar nea cramaacn 8 speech as vue eR, S \ aNAN eK ) as p etn, cpa ‘Btake ot iin hat tan ceait| / Manhattan, Sieeen’ Kansas State at Manhattan (Baseball) Iowa State at Lawrenes (Baseball) Towa State at Lawrence (Baseball) Alummi Exercises Commencement er Sf .t28e- (.e8e0T) ecalotexd Lamula IK Hvé Ras "15, 20, President Frep ELLswortn, ’22, Secretary Bertua Lucxan McCoy, ’og, Vice-President ? Topeka, Kansas — Lawrence, Kansas Emporia, Kansas ce ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PUBLISHER OF THE GRADUATE MAGAZINE HEADQUARTERS—RooM 2 Frank Strone HAL LAWRENCE, KANSAS August 5, 1941 Dre Fe Ceo Allen 105 Robinson University of Kansas Dear Phog: They said you called while I was out, asking if I wanted lists of your engagements during the past year. Yes, send them along, please. I would like to make up another map of contacts within the state. Cordially, FE smln Secretary DIRECTORS Bruce Hurp, !’14, Santa Fe Offices, Topeka Joun E. Borer, ’28, I’30, WKH Bldg., Wichita Frank L. Carson, ’13, First Nat’] Bank, Wichita Dotpx Simons, ’25, Journal-World, Lawrence Joanna GLEED Wacstarr, fa’21, 1730 Indiana, Lawrence Batrour S. Jerrrey, ’28, Nat'l Bank of Topeka, Topeka W. T. Grant, fs’os5, Business Men’s Assurance Co., Kansas City, Mo. Haranp B. Hutcuines, 1’16, 1207 Grand, Kansas City, Mo. Oscar S. SraurFER, fs’12, Topeka State Journal, Topeka Crarence L. Burt, e’og, Hutchinson Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. SUGGESTIONS FOR FACULTY MEMBERS, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, FOR SPEAKERS BEFORE CIVIC CLUBS, ores ‘ocmnss GROUPS, STUDY CLUBS NeBes These are merely nnebhins by alumni offices These persons are all busy teachers or Lawrence professional workers and their services as speakers cannot be guaranteed until ne? ah s nt de with each o — ees e ne Fe Ce Allen, chairman, depertment of physical educations John We Ashton, chariman, Copunnant of Englishe Leonard He Axe, ovens of economicsse Re Ge Brewster, head, department of chemistrye Be Ce Buhler, professor of debate and public speakings He Be Chubb, associate professor of political sciences Ce De Clark, head, department of sociologye Ke We Davidson, director of informetione Re Me Davis, professor of laws We We Davis, professor of historye Cora Me Downs, professor of bacteriologys Donald Durell, professor of botany» Maud Ellsworth, instructor in education (public school art methods)e De Gagliardo, professor of economics. Ee Thayer Gaston, assistant professor of educations rsonallys + Enthusiastic speaker on subjects pertaine ing to athletics, health, physical education, and characters A fine speaker in the field of _— literatures — Alter 73 te aa Excellent speeker on scientific subjects, particularly in the fields of education and industrial developments Talks on subjects of voice training, sales- manship, and allied fields. Speaks with authority on current political and ree problems e Makes a ponstrating and interesting talk on current social problems. The press, public relations, and philosophical remarks Specialist on the Constitution and makes a good talk on thet subject--also related subjectse Is an amthority on historye Specialist in American and Asiatic history. Has a hobby of landseape gardening and is prepared to give a most excellent talk with eheney. pic 8 on that subject. Speaks with authority on landscape gardening. The plece of erts and crafts in public schoolse Art appreciations Well informed and—a— Chase, ansas Werren CG. Conner Mar. HePherson, Kansas (Weds) 6380 P.M. MePherson Rebounders Club Banquet Roof Garden, Hotel Wa | Weile Mere $330 Pols : ( Thur.) Kanses Gity, Mo. Kenseas City Feed Club __ Phillip Hotel it's Puller Mar. 20 Sentsioct Aude (ote) Kansas City, Mo» National NeeAehe ape Apre Altamont s Clu letic Banquet (Tues e) Altamont, Ks. He Be Borgna Apre 2 :00 Hoon : (Weds) Kanses Clty, Moe Metre Club Luncheon Dane Durand Kuehlebech Hotel 4:00 Pall. Prank Strong ~ Budget Conference Apre 8 Station Krku Pedio Pound Table (Prof. Sandelius ) (hur. ) 9:30 ~ 10:00 P.M, "Football: 10 Years of Life" (Gene Kemper & Elbel 7) . Apr e 7 ‘ (Mon. ) Kansas Stete here (Baseball) Apre 8 (tues =) nsas Stete } ebail) Pre ; (Wede) : LAG TER VAGATION Begins Apre 15 (tues) RASTER VAGATION Ends Pre ; (Thurs « ) Norman, “shone Okiehoma et Norman (Begeball j Apre 18 Norman, Oklahoma Okishowa at Norman (Baseball) (ide) ; Kansas Relays Apr e Wit Ken sas Relays Apre && 159 Pelle Apre 89 Eureka, Kansas (Tues +) (Tentative) May i Eureka, Kansas | Eureka High School School Commencement (Thur ») Mre Kampsohroeder Eureke, Kansas (tee) ne Wissour! at Lawrence (Baseball) ¥ed s Columbia, Missouri Wissour! at Columbia ne. ots Columbia, vissours Missour! ot Columbia (B esebsl1) a Lincoln, Sebrasia __e@brasin at Lincoln (Baseball) Salere Haotk Schoo! Gemmencement speech (reds ) | (Tentative date) (Mons) Iows state here (Besebalt) May 27 “up Iowa State here (Baseball) ee aa (Mone ) Alumni Exereises _Somnencement APPOINTMENTS ABD LEGAGERENTS Mare 22 tumicipel Aude Sate janses Citys, Moe neomtern Se Se Ae As Playoff : 3300 pigetix Coeches meeting to work out schedule . se Pe De fign & L¢} gheee, Ke (vorren Ge Conner) Ware . Me » Kanases (vede) 6:09 pe ™e HePhoreen Pebounders Club Banquet. aceon 1 We MAT 5 Be Be (Thurs) Keneas City, Moe fanees City Feed Club lip # (ir. Puller) vere “amieipel Aude % Kengees City, Hose Netional Bs Ceo Ae As Playoff i : ‘tteamont Hoosters Club Athletic “enquet ‘Itament : (1. Be Borgne) LpTe : , (ede) eee of Kansee Dandelion Dey : eon | : Mangas City, Hee tiebro Club Luncheon (Dana Durand ) pte} Apre & EU : c ble (Profs Sandelius ) (Thurs) 9:50 Pe Me ~ 10:00 De me Speatbelii 10 Years of Life” (0uy ee and Vie bpre 7 Sone) _Heneas State here _ . appre {tuess) tangas State here Apre (sets) LASTER VAGATION Begins Apr « weLouth Ff Sather and Sen Banquet, Yelouth Erie 7:20 De Be (lawrence Smith) Apte Tues LASTER VAGATION Ends tpre 1 Lo} ee Dre Cit se father end Son sanquet, sponsored by i Yo Me Co As end Mist (ie fe srooks ) rood Athletic Ben (wide) ‘iehite, Kee Athletic Banquet - Blue Key, Men's Netione) loner ¥ it gon and Seteer) a pre (sate) Ames, lows lows State at Amos ae (Thurs) tupeke, Kee Bureke High fiehool Commencement rooder) _ Bi00 pe te Turns figh School Tormencement speach buns» Ke > (rice as ) i | cigtead Wigh Scheel Commencement speech «Tentative dete jale . Lad » EB (. le andriolk) venhe ttan, tate et Manhatten kenge &@ 6+ | Jou atete here. | 1 Sgoreiees ‘ySEIOh Coren ty wer as ao ie OK ee / cae Pe — F prt he Mee i. Cake, @ Ohne etite, re BaD Fe Tictedaiags, Uie Nay. [> et tedes Ans ag. Fepha, re hw - ‘bacdh Badeee NC AA- we, fw 2 7- VACR cna Bao. tut KC — gee, 3 Motes. Bang ri he Mea Searle tt Kustehs - ROK Ate. 7- a GCthey. ) “iy 2S — (Frie) Tt Manhattan Kensas State at Manhattan € (Mon) a Iowa State at Lawrence ‘\