sah APPOINTMENTS AND ENGAGEMENTS Nove 8 5:50 PM, Meeting of Administrative Committee of (Frie) Dean Schwegler's School of Education Office Nove 10 63:45 P.M. Speak about 30 minutes on "Sex Adjustments (Sune) Wesley Foundation in College Life" | Methodist Church (Freeman We. Meyer, phone 2685 or) : (Maxine Patterson, phone 2665R ) Nove 12 Midesemester grades due today (College office) (Tuese) 11:30 AeMe Meeting of Summer Recreation Committee Dean Schwegler ts Office 6350 P.M. Cooperative Club of Topeka Florentine Room, Talk on "College Athletics" or whatever Jayhawk Hotel subject chogene Topeka, (Joseph We Condron, Chmne Entertainment) (Committee, Co-operative Club of Topeka) Nove 13 6:50 P.M. Country Club Board Meeting (Wede) Nove 18 7:00 P.M. Speak at meeting of K=Clube (Mone) Manhattan Meeting lasts about 2 to 24 hrse (Wallace As Swanson, K=Club Prese) Dece 8 Hotel Continental Morning meeting of Big-Six Basketball Coaches, (Sune) Kansas City, Moe Joint meeting sometime in morning with Missouri Valley Conferences Dre Allen conducts the 5th Diste Basketball Inter- pretation meeting in afternoon, Dece 9 Texas University here (Mone) Dece 10 Texas University here (Tuese) Jane 13 Iowa State here (Mone) ane 16 Missouri here Thue ) ? bon ta Nebraska here Feb. 12 . Chillicothe Business 10:30 AcMe, assembly hall of business Collegee 50th (Wed. ) Cole, Chillicothe, Moe anniversayy of schoole Program consists of outstanding football coach, athletic publicity man, basketball coach and athletic director, on Febe 5, 12, ig and 266 i e Commemorative programe oi a —— Feb. 25 Kansas State Here =e (Wede) a Warch 1 Ask CeE. McBride to write Western NCAA and National play-offs March 7 Oklahoma here (Frie ) March 11 Oklahoma Ae & Me Here '(Tuese) March 18] Ottawa, Kansas Speak at Board-Teacher banquet on topic suitable for (Tuese) Banquet both teachers and school-board members