KANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY LAWRENGE, KANSAS October 1, 1938 Dre Fe Ge Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your very fine article in the October issue of the Rotarian will be received with the highest commendation by those conversant with the subject and the justified intent of its application, as well as the truth of its practice. You very ably speak the language of those thus informed, truth peing after all nothing more than facts revealed. The situation is analagous to the prohibition era in the average town. Inquiry could be made with the best of inquisitorial technique in certain quarters regarding the purchase of a pint or so, and, with honest belief, you would find out beyond a doubt that it was a bone dry town--"the situation is well in hand in our tom." Shift to other quarters of the same town among kindred spirits and you soon found the grapevine and the grape. Not infrequently some branch of the law itself proved to be your quickest and best entre'. I appreciate indeed your frank and honest approach to the sub- ject and feel that I, too, know something about it. In another article I hope you will mention the use of athletic funds for the erection of build- ings for the academic departments by some of the country's scholastic insti- tutions favorably located in respect to large annual attendance to their athletic activities. You know if a man has never been hit, roughed or bruised, he is hardly qualified to talk about a fight, or, for that matter, judge the game. A predominance of these timid, sheltered souls sit im spokesmen positions. Their vain egotism blinds them to any other qualifications with which a man might be endowed or which circumstances may develop. The game develops among its members an expectancy of greater perspective in others affiliated with ite We certainly are far amiss many times in our expectations. You know my wholehearted concurrence in your thoughts. Athletics develop inexpressible and life long forces within the average athlete that just aren't produced otherwise. When reason supplants the counterfeit logic that at present sur- rounds the athletic structure, I am sure that no sensible person will be able to say "no" to its program. How fine it would be to get the following picture