PERE Streeter “Manufacturing bhemists since 1908 i SEPRLIA, HISS CURT, tsa Dr. Forest ©. Allen March 15,1939 Physical Educator University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are extremely anxious to be of service to the University of Kensas with our new product Stere-Futz for Athlete Foot and are enclosing with this letter descriptive leaflet of this product as well as a direction lebel for your full information. Our Mr. Joe A. Riley called to see you personally on March 15 put you were out at that time, however, he did have an opportunity to have a personal visit with Mr.C.G.Bayles, Supt. of Buildings and Grounds for the University and has requested that we forward to Mr. Bayles at no charge, one gallon of Stera-Futz for your thorough test and inspection. This is being done and we will appreciate your giving it a thorough consideration. It is our pleasure at the present time to be serving the University of Kansas with our Adeo liquid toilet soap which we know you will find extremely satisfactory in every particular, as all of our products are backed by our 30 years of chemical menufacturing experience. We will appreciate very much your taking this matter up with Mr.Bayles and especially your thorough testing of our product; it is entirely new, there is nothing similar to it on the American market. It is odorless and absolutely stable which gives it many advantages over the old chlorine solutions which have been used for Athlete Foot in the past. If we may cooperate in any way further in this regard we trust you will not hesitate to call on us and we enclose a handy return envelope for your conveinence, With all best wishes of this office, we remain, Sincerely yours, RICAN DIST WG CO.INC rf A CMV K JAR