CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS. SUMMARY Kansas Team including Game of '52-—-- — WoneLost Record: kD on) {Lo CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR __22 GAMES PLAYED TO DATE ’ FIELD GOALS THROWS AS PERS. FOULS POINTS Games || Atts. Scored Pct. Atts.. | Scored Pet. Number , | Number |} Number | Disq.* Number | Average erry Alberts _ 6. 8 Bh 4) 8 Ae. BO TB Ol 6 | Player (full name) Bill Seithelt | 21) 50. 564 | ae) Opponents’ ’ patch Fg 224M atte om oe siiatoey ‘ : ? Od ¥ of games squi on personal fouls.) QoToLEgo 6 conan SERGON’S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS eas —s Pe - (Munchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) AC INOIVISUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) side ; HW an... "Player ee @g Opponent Date = Record Total Points Scored “fame packet ga RE TMI cn (Fo: FT: } Field Goals sO mame me i ee (No. Attempts ___) Free Throws Sogqeg gee ’r (No. Attempts —__} | Free Throws Attem i (No. Scored . —___} | ; SORE nn MARKS ow MARR. ) # tow MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) rin ~co- Opponent Record Opponent Record Field Goals Scored vs. __ Same st 82 Field Goals Scored by ie ei a isin co , a - Free Throws Scored vs. ____S amg __. — Free Throws Scored by Persono! Fouls Against © vs. same Personal Fouls Against NCAB Form No. 55! The National Coliegiate,Athletic Bureau, Box:757; Grand) Central Station, New York.I7, N.Y. .. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION