CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY Team __¥an9q¢—— Including Game of _Sety3—¢—— ~~ WoneLost Record: 2 st CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR 17_ GAMES PLAYED TO DATE FREE THROWS BOUNDS] ASS} PERS. FOULS POINTS > Games || _ Atts. Scored js Atts. | Scored Pet. Number Number. |} Number, |. Disq.*. || Number | Average , Player (full name) = Everett Dye 40/13 (2. 4.5 | «78. ss | doo Qoob F 1 a% Bill “eitholt, | Own Team Totals Opponents’ Totals ~ = _of games disqualified on personal fouls.) ” CURRENT SEASON’S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (If unchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) INDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) Player me Opponent Date = Number Total Points Senta a VS. (FG: _ Field Goals Scored : vs No. Attempts ——___ Free Throws Scored _— VS," e AFlemek = Free Throws Attempted YS. (No. Scored ....____} OWN TEAM HIGH MARKS (own offense) LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) Opponent Number Opponent™ Number Field Goals Scored i a. ; Field Goals Scored by ——_ ae ! Free Throws Attempted VS. cany St Free Throws Attempted by me Free Throws Scored vs. ome Free Throws Scored by sacar , Personal Fouls Against vs. same Personal Fouls Against come NCAB Form No. 55] The National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box:757, Grand/Central'Station, New York 17, N. Y. OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION