-~ 3- SOME SUGGESTED EXHIBIT MATERIALS RELATED TO HEALTY, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, and RECREATION I. Subject Matter 1. Ce Sports and games Dance - folk, tap, modern, social Winter sports Day camps Weekend camps Crafts Arts Play schools Safety education Fobbies Play streets Water sports Game rooms II, By means of: 14, ee 16, Lf. 16, 19% 20, 2 ge, 25.5 Implements and equipment - from primitive times down, showing the evolution of our games through development of bats, balls, racquets; trends in physical education through heavy and light apparatus, etc. Mixed or co-recreation Programs in health education, phy- sical education, recreation, etc, Medical and physical examination blanks, follow-up systems, case studies, etc, Body mecnanics Rural school physical education Tests, measurements, research, studies, etc, Health service Health instruction Courses of study models, dioramas, puppets, movies, marionettes, photography, graphs, books, painting, sculpture, prints, actual pieces of equipment, implements, statistics, posters, scrap books, costumes, instruction material, studies, research, etc., so arranged and displayed as to show variety, use, historical significance, progress, trends, evolution, etc,