COLONEL J. MCBRAYER SELLERS SUPERINTENDENT MAJOR L. H. UNGLES DEAN COLONEL LESTER B. WIKOFF SECRETARY-TREASURER MAJOR F. W. BROWN COMMANDANT HEADQUARTERS ENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY April 13, 1942 Dr. F. C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: The 12:00 o'¢lock time for Sunday, April 26 did have a special significance that I neglected to mention, it was for dinner. I hopé:you will be able to have dinner with us and bring as many members of your family as you wishe You might drop me a line and let me know how many to anticipate so I can put an extra potato in the pot. Sincerely yours, 1, MacKenzie Personnel Director kam/mlh April 14, 1942, Mrs. Elmer White, 2023 Main Street, Lexington, Mo. Dear Mre. White: Mrs. Allen and I deeply appreciate your gracious invitation for Sunday, April 26, when we are to be in Lexington for the Ralph Conger Memorial Award. We have accepted an invitation to dinner at 12 o'clock at the Military Academy, but we are looking forward to seeing you at the memorial services. Ur. - and Mrs. D. G. Hamilton are making the trip with us, and since Mrs. Hamilton is not very well we shall have to return early in the afternoon. It will be a pleasure to renew old acquaintances, and to meet your son who is a freshman at Wentworth. With kindest personal regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. MRS. ELMER WHITE . 2023 MAIN STREET, LEXINGTON, MISSOURI 2 FEL Te Sa MH ONL), | oe dent 5: ie aaa Je Co da diiegtianr ns Kao 2 ) ’ ou April 6, 1942.. Captain Ke Ae MecKengsie, | Persomel Director, Wentworth Military Acadeny, Lexington, Missouri. Dear Captain MacKenzie: Anawering your communication of April ath, beg Sn: wiaten tak % Wid bs Wass hanes © Se eee ak Ralph Ls Conger Memorial Award for Sportsmanship on Sunday, April 26th, to deliver the dedicatory speech. Thank you for your letter and for the copy of "The Trumpeter” which will give me the necessary information comerning Ralph. Please convey my kindest regards to Mrs. Conger and the children. I of course am hoping to see them when I come to Lexington. Mra. Allen and some of the members of my family may accompany me. 1 believe you stated that I should plan on getting to the Academy by 12 o'clock. Was there any special significance in our arriving at 12 o'clock? _ Sincerely yours, Director ‘of Physical Education exit Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. COLONEL J. MCBRAYER SELLERS SUPERINTENDENT MAJOR L. H. UNGLES COLONEL LESTER B. WIKOFF SECRETARY-TREASURER MAJOR F. W. BROWN COMMANDANT HEADQUARTERS ENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY — April 4, 1942 Dr. Phog Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: To follow up our phone conversation of yesterday regarding the dedicatory speech for the Ralph L. Conger Memorial award for Sportsmanship on Sunday, April 26 at 1:00 P, M. I'll try to give you the background you suggested. | Enclosed is a copy of the school paper with several items regarding Ralph's death marked. They will give you a faint idea of the high regard we all had for him. To supplement this information let me add Ralph coached at Smith Center Kensas High for ten years and lost ten games. “After that he was with you at Kansas University two years and came here in 1959. His regime here was considered successful and his influence on the boys under him was of the highest type. The plaque is of Red Warsaw granite 42"X351" and weighs 900 lbs. It is to be put in the inside wall of the gymnasium. Each year the cadet who best exemplifys sportsmanship in his everyday life will be awarded a medal and his name will be engraved on the bottom of the plaque. This award will be made by a committee of three, Major F. W. Brown, Commandant, Major Leon H. Ungles, Dean, and myself as Personnel Director. The plaque has been purchased by subscriptions from cadets and friends of Ralph. I trust this will give you a picture of the situation. incidentally Mrs. Conger and children are living here with Mrs, liacKenzie and myself and she is teaching grade school in the Lexington school system. i am-happy' you can arrange to be here because many times I have .heard all about Phog Allen from Ralph and know the high regard he had for. you. If there is anything further I can tell you just drop me a line. Khe res yours, = dee fecKonzid’ f. PP November 24, 1941 : (CAPTAIN RALPH | CONGER DIES AT BOONVILE Heart Attack Proves Fatal to Coach During Game With Kemner Capt. Ralph Lloyd Conger, Wentworth Military Academy var- sity football and basketball coach ‘who died on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day early in’ the second quarter when his team was winding up its season against. Kemper Military School at Boon- vilie, Mo., died following a coron- ! ary occlusion, Dr. B. T. Payne, | Wentworth physician, revealed to- side on the Kemper field. Conger was sitjing on the bench when the heart attack occurred, and every man on the squad knew that the coach had passed away. This was reflected in the playing the second half when the Kemper to defeat the Dragons. The aud- ierce in the Boonville stadium was net aware of what had happened. Conger’s body was quickly re- moved from the field and spectat- ors knew. only that there was a litile excitement on the Went- worth bench. Col. Lester B. Wi- koff, former Wentworth athletic director and varsity coach, and Capt. Kenneth Sylvester, assist- ant coach, took over the coaching for the rest of the game. At the end of the game the news was flashed over the loudspeaker system and evervone in the stad- ium stood with bowed heads for “(Continued on Page Four) night. Payne was at Conger’s | | Yellowjackets piled up #4 points | ~ FAREWELL CAPTAIN CONGER Captain Conger, for three years the varsity coach of Went- worth, will long be remembered as a faithful friend of all his students and associates. His sudden passing away at the Kemper-Wentworth game on Thanksgiving Day was very shocking to everyone, and the Wentworth Special returning to Lexington on that night pre- sented a sad picture as we reflected on what had happened. Although it was not generally known by the Wentworth battalions that he had died on the field, it had a deep effect on the entire corps once it was made known publicly. To us, Captain Conger was more than merely a coach or a teacher, for it was through him that our athletics had triumphed so in-the last few years. As a teacher, he was outstanding in the way that he held his students in rapt admiration. On the field, his athletes knew him not as a coach, but almost as a father, who could guide them in the best ways possible toward a possible victory. He was truly a man who held our admiration, both in class and on the field. His contributions, too many to list, will remain as a tribute to our school as long as the school itself lives. With this, a silent tribute, the entire Coes bids goodbye to our coach, Capt, Ralph Conger. wr. C. 9. Mickel, Mayetta, Kansas. Dear Mr. Hickel: I am sorry that I wes out of the office when you called the other day. It would have been a pleasure to see yous In regard to your inquiry as to @ commencement address at your school on May 20th, it has always been my policy to “live and let live". Of course the state does not provide travel expenses for this purpose, and the tire situation makes it somowhat difficult. I am sure that what- ever honorarium you have besn in the habit of paying will be satisfactory. . Tam to speak at Humboldt, Nebraska, on May 21, and if you desire I will be happy to speak at Meyetta on the 20th, on my way to Humboldt. I am reserving this date tentatively on my calendar, ewaiting your reply. | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. - . MeO. a5 ee of Mayetta, Kahsas, e would like to know if you could deliver their a commencement address on May 20. Also, he s Sy "tell us what low honorarium you would accept." (Baseball at Columbia on May 18, 19; at Humboldt, Nebraska, on May 21.) a er April 10, 1942. Mrs. Russell Herpich, Principal, Delevan Rural High School, Delevan, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Herpich: I have received your kind letter of the 8th instant inviting me to speak at your high school commencement on the evening of May 14th. I om very sorry that I have another engagement for that date. Several weeks ago I promised the Linwood, Kansas, high school that I would speak at their commencement on May | l4th. There is a possibility that I would be free on eiter May 13 or 15, if you would care to consider either of these dates. The principal of another Kansas high school has asked me to speak on May 14, but since IT had already agreed to go to Linwood, I told him that I would be available on May 13 or 15. I have not heard from him as yet regarding this possibility. It is never our purpose to set an arbitrary price for a commencement address. However, there is one thing 2 of vital necessity, end that is automobile tires. Sinee the rationing progrem travel is getting to be quite an iten. I would be glad to hear from you regarding the suggested dates, and I would be perfectly willing to let you set the fee. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: All “ Varsity Basketball and Baseball coach. i. P. BURNS, DIRECTOR N.H. DAVIS, CLERK J.T. BECKER, TREASURER Delavan Rural High School Mrse Russell Herpich RINCI DELAVAN, KANSAS April 8, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: : 4.2: The choice of the Commencement speaker this — year, in our school, was left to the senior class. aw 4 They requested that I write and ask you to be the Ln ae guest speaker for the evening of May 14. . aye We realize that there would be a fee and would like to know what it would be. We thought it best to write to you early and find out if you could possibly come. We should be pleased if you would answer immediately. Yours very truly, Wyre. tae llinpeiche Mrs. Russel Herpich Principal RHtlp April 8, 1942. Mre Je Re Wells, Principal, Emmett Rural High School, Emmett, Kansas. Dear EY. Wells: I heve your very good letter of April Sth inquiring about the commencement date at your high school on May 14th. hate Lloyd Pairbanks, a student here at the University, came in and inquired about the possibility of my making a - ¢Coumencement address at Emmett from May 15. to 22. This was on March 31. He said that I would hear from you shortly. Not having been asked to save a date prior to this, I agreed to go to Limwod, Vansas, for a commencement address on May 14th. ie are playing baseball at Columbia, Missouri, on Mey 18 and 19, end I do happen to have May 13 and 15 open. But I have an engagement, I eam sorry to say, for the 14th. It is never our purpose to set an arbitrary price for a ay uy sak eu aoe there is one thing of vital necessity end 2 tate automobile tires. Since the ‘getting to be quite an iten. I would be gled to ‘sate: rei pus So oir the tO or 15th would be agreeable to you, and I would be perfectly willing to live and let live, and let you set the fee. I am very sure that you imow we do not want to make an excessive cherge. Anything you think is fair I am sure we could agree UpOle f Sincerely yours, Soins! of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: Al Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FACULTY Helen McGuire, Home Ec. B. D. ‘ cs Mary Ann Wall, English H. P. Thomas, Commerce Emmett Rurat Hicu ScHoo.u J. R. WELLS, PRINCIPAL EMMETT, KANSA wt Aeleet ae e OE IIe of he coi el Ee “hie lobes Mareh Sl, 1942. is Mi dine Mit kn ton tr MH © and 22. We have baseball cames at Columbia, Missouri, on May 18 and 19. I also have a tentative reservation on my calendar for May 21 or 22 for a commencement address, but this date has not been closed. If eny of these dates are convenient for you, I eat Gane hear from yous Sincerely eile Nirestor of Physical Education and Reoreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketbell and Baseball Coach. March Sl, 1942. Mr. Gail Enig ht, Athletic Director, Nonett School District, Monett, Missouri. Dear Gail: It is mighty nice of you to ask me to be your guest speaker at the Monett High School for your athletic banquet on April 9. I deeply appreciate your offer to have me mest your all-state center who scored over 1200 points in his four years of high school competition. The state does not provide funds for ow travel ex- penses and since the tire situation is as it is at present I do not very well sce how I can make the trip. I am also coaching varsity baseball and we are to meet Kansas State at Menhattan on April 10 and ll. It is generous of you to ask me, and I deeply apprec- iate it. However, uier the conditions I do not see how I can make arrangements to speak at this time. Thanking you for your very kind invitation, and with best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education end Recreation, PCA:AH ; ' ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION R. L, Cline, President R. E. Davis, V-President L. Leslie Mason, Secretary W. Vance Davis, Treasurer L. D. MeKee L. E. Lines L. G. Jones, Jr. PRINCIPALS Junior College-E. E.Camp, Dean MONETT SCHOOL DISTRICT Sr. High School-A. C. Sipes E. E. CAMP, SUPERINTENDENT Jr, High School-Joe I. Cantrell MONETT. MISSOURI Central School-Carl G. Tinklepaugh Plymouth School-Kate Mooney Forest Park School-Clara Cobb Marshall Hill School-William Owens Mr. Phog Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs: We here at Monett High School are giving an all sports banquet April Sth beginning at 6:30. I would like to extend to you an invitation to come and be our guest speaker. We are anxious to obtain some outstanding basketball coach to be our speaker and feel that you would make an excellent one. I also feel that this would be an opportunity for you to have a talk with a boy whom I have coached for the past three years. He is a boy who was an all-state center last year and again repeated th’'s year as an all-state man. He is 6ft Sin tall shoots with either hand, is abo e the average as an student, has scored over 1200 points in 4 years of high school competition, takes coaching very well, and is a boy whom trains like a real a thlete should. He has had offers from a great many leading universities but I feel that he should go someplace where he can get excellent coaching and still play on good teams. Would you please let me know by return mail whether you will or will not be able to come to Monett on the a bove date and be a speaker at our banquet. Thanking you for giving this letter your consideration. Sincerely, . Pod Pacgtt Gail Knight Athletic Director March 31, 1942. Mr. Brad Judy, Montrose, Kansas. Dear Brad: Nothing would give me more pleasure than to accept your wonderful. invitation to come out to your section of the state and speak on the dates you mention. But I am coaching varsity baseball, and I had previously accepted a date to speak at Lin- wood on May 14. I accepted this date because it was close to Lawrence, and I don't see my way clear to get out of that. I couldn't leave my team for that long as we are playing. Missouri on the 18th and 19th. Perhaps next year we could make arrangements ahead of time; in fact, we may not even have a base- ball teem next year. I went to extend my congratulations to you, and if you will tell me the names of the boys to whom I should write I would be glad to send a letter of congratulation to them in lieu of my being there and personally congratulating them at commence- nente > We are always happy to do anything we can, and if there is any other way that I can show my interest and appresiation for the boys’ efforts I would be glad to do it if you will offer any suggestions. Thank you for your kind words for the basketball team and our work here at the University. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. MONTROSE, KANSAS % ST.FRANCIS, KANSAS THE JUDY RANCH BRAD JUDY MONTROSE, KANSAS March 50, 1942. Dr. F. C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: First I want to congratulate you upon your splendid service to the state and to the university.....and then in the second breathhnI want to ask something of youe Please don't get me wrong...-for I am séncere eoncérning the first matter.....and hope for the best in regard to the second. Our little school has enjoyed a series of five years of successful basketball....eall of which has been topped off whis year with an Ever-Victorious season, plus the County Tournament Chambphonship, the District Tournament and then a defeat by one point in the Regional. Of my squad of ten boys, five graduate. and they were very much thrilled when I told them that I was going to write you and see if I could not induce you to come out this way and give our Commencement address this May. As you know, we are located up here in the "provinces" which hagea strong Nebraska pull. We are neglected by our own state schools, and understandably so. However, if I could argange for you to give three Commencement addresses on consecutive nights (say May 13,14 and 15) ah@ all of them in this county, could you do it for $50? I understand the tire situation....the distance....and the fact that you are a very busy man. You would most certainly, thrill a group of fine boys, but of course you can do that closer home. I'll understand your position if you cannot do this job....but we would suréktylike to have you. With kindest personal regards, I am Most sincerely, Montrose March 31, 1942. Mr. D. EH. Weber, - Superintendent of Schools, Humboldt, Nebraska. Dear Superintendent Weber: When your letter of March 24th arrived I feared there was a conflict in dates because we had some baseball cames scheduled for May 21 and 22. Since then, however, these dates have been changed, and T do have the dates of May 21 and 22 free. You are in a much better position to lmow what the honorarium should be. Of course, the tire problem is the biggest thing. The state does not provide money for travel, and I would have to drive my own car. That naturally makes treveling more expensive this year. It would be a great pleasure to speak at your commence- ment, and I do deliver a number of commencement addresses. Prankly, we try to insist that boys go to their own state universities rather than try to attract them outside of the state. ks a a ete ee oe a ot 8 Re te Remar ele hey oo the date you would went. 3 Very sincerely Yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. “+¥ ae foe 66 MBOLOT City SUR VERLE L. MeNEALY EFFIE NIMS, Secretary D. H. WEBER, Superintendent WILL KINSEL NELLIE MARIE HOWE, H. S. Principal p High School fully accredited by the University of Nebraska and North Central B § Bs ‘ Cef mA Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. / 19 HUMBOLDT, NEBRASKA 32.94.1492, rg ) oy "Phog™ Allen See . Department of Athletics ay Y Lawrence, Kansas . Trae + thidhele Dear Mr. Allen: , ~ sk ae We are seeking 2 good man to deliver our commencement addres either May 2I or 22, If you are available what is the best price you can quote us? Our music supervisor is a K. U. graduate. He taught at Troy, Kansas, for a numberof years before coming here. Robert Jenkins, a Humboldt high school graduate, is prominent in musical circles in K. U. We grind out some pretty good athletes. If you should visit us you hight be able to attract some Kansas-ward, Respectfully, 2d D 12 he Deh At ee ten dria Jeg, 5 hus tiiindel Warch 31, 1942. Mr. O. P. May, Attorney-ateLaw, Atchison, Kansas. Dear Mre May ¢ Since my telephone conversation with you concern~ ing the meeting of the Men Protherhoods in Atchison, I have checked on schedule and find that we heve baseball ' gemes scheduled with Missouri here at Lewrence on April I am very sorry that I camot accept your kind invitation for either one of these dates. If, however, you find it convenient to select another date for your meeting I shall be happy to fit it into my schedule. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, PCA :AH _. Varsity Basketball and Baseball Sokch. » WAGGENER,MAY, WAGGENER & HOPE ee ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW B. P. WAGGENER ATCHISON, KANSAS RALPH M.HOPE March 28, 1942. Dr. Forest C. Allen Department of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen; Confirming telephone conversation of today, the program committee for the annual joint meeting of all the Men Brotherhoods of the Protestant Churches in Atchison, would like of 289) you as a speaker at a banquet on April 27th of at 7:00 P. M. We can fix the time for the bana “on either date to suit your convenience, so we would be glad to hear from you as to which date would suit you best. The place of the meeting is not definitely set, but it probably will be at the St. Mark's Lutheran Church. We will pay $10.00 to cover your expenses. Will you please advise whether or not you can accept, and advise which date you would prefer. OPM-M : ce Mr. J. W. Lowry City