April 6, 1942.. Captain Ke Ae MecKengsie, | Persomel Director, Wentworth Military Acadeny, Lexington, Missouri. Dear Captain MacKenzie: Anawering your communication of April ath, beg Sn: wiaten tak % Wid bs Wass hanes © Se eee ak Ralph Ls Conger Memorial Award for Sportsmanship on Sunday, April 26th, to deliver the dedicatory speech. Thank you for your letter and for the copy of "The Trumpeter” which will give me the necessary information comerning Ralph. Please convey my kindest regards to Mrs. Conger and the children. I of course am hoping to see them when I come to Lexington. Mra. Allen and some of the members of my family may accompany me. 1 believe you stated that I should plan on getting to the Academy by 12 o'clock. Was there any special significance in our arriving at 12 o'clock? _ Sincerely yours, Director ‘of Physical Education exit Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.