April 8, 1942. Mre Je Re Wells, Principal, Emmett Rural High School, Emmett, Kansas. Dear EY. Wells: I heve your very good letter of April Sth inquiring about the commencement date at your high school on May 14th. hate Lloyd Pairbanks, a student here at the University, came in and inquired about the possibility of my making a - ¢Coumencement address at Emmett from May 15. to 22. This was on March 31. He said that I would hear from you shortly. Not having been asked to save a date prior to this, I agreed to go to Limwod, Vansas, for a commencement address on May 14th. ie are playing baseball at Columbia, Missouri, on Mey 18 and 19, end I do happen to have May 13 and 15 open. But I have an engagement, I eam sorry to say, for the 14th. It is never our purpose to set an arbitrary price for a ay uy sak eu aoe there is one thing of vital necessity end 2 tate automobile tires. Since the ‘getting to be quite an iten. I would be gled to ‘sate: rei pus So oir the tO or 15th would be agreeable to you, and I would be perfectly willing to live and let live, and let you set the fee. I am very sure that you imow we do not want to make an excessive cherge. Anything you think is fair I am sure we could agree UpOle f Sincerely yours, Soins! of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: Al Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.