March 31, 1942. Mr. Brad Judy, Montrose, Kansas. Dear Brad: Nothing would give me more pleasure than to accept your wonderful. invitation to come out to your section of the state and speak on the dates you mention. But I am coaching varsity baseball, and I had previously accepted a date to speak at Lin- wood on May 14. I accepted this date because it was close to Lawrence, and I don't see my way clear to get out of that. I couldn't leave my team for that long as we are playing. Missouri on the 18th and 19th. Perhaps next year we could make arrangements ahead of time; in fact, we may not even have a base- ball teem next year. I went to extend my congratulations to you, and if you will tell me the names of the boys to whom I should write I would be glad to send a letter of congratulation to them in lieu of my being there and personally congratulating them at commence- nente > We are always happy to do anything we can, and if there is any other way that I can show my interest and appresiation for the boys’ efforts I would be glad to do it if you will offer any suggestions. Thank you for your kind words for the basketball team and our work here at the University. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.