~ FAREWELL CAPTAIN CONGER Captain Conger, for three years the varsity coach of Went- worth, will long be remembered as a faithful friend of all his students and associates. His sudden passing away at the Kemper-Wentworth game on Thanksgiving Day was very shocking to everyone, and the Wentworth Special returning to Lexington on that night pre- sented a sad picture as we reflected on what had happened. Although it was not generally known by the Wentworth battalions that he had died on the field, it had a deep effect on the entire corps once it was made known publicly. To us, Captain Conger was more than merely a coach or a teacher, for it was through him that our athletics had triumphed so in-the last few years. As a teacher, he was outstanding in the way that he held his students in rapt admiration. On the field, his athletes knew him not as a coach, but almost as a father, who could guide them in the best ways possible toward a possible victory. He was truly a man who held our admiration, both in class and on the field. His contributions, too many to list, will remain as a tribute to our school as long as the school itself lives. With this, a silent tribute, the entire Coes bids goodbye to our coach, Capt, Ralph Conger.