f. PP November 24, 1941 : (CAPTAIN RALPH | CONGER DIES AT BOONVILE Heart Attack Proves Fatal to Coach During Game With Kemner Capt. Ralph Lloyd Conger, Wentworth Military Academy var- sity football and basketball coach ‘who died on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day early in’ the second quarter when his team was winding up its season against. Kemper Military School at Boon- vilie, Mo., died following a coron- ! ary occlusion, Dr. B. T. Payne, | Wentworth physician, revealed to- side on the Kemper field. Conger was sitjing on the bench when the heart attack occurred, and every man on the squad knew that the coach had passed away. This was reflected in the playing the second half when the Kemper to defeat the Dragons. The aud- ierce in the Boonville stadium was net aware of what had happened. Conger’s body was quickly re- moved from the field and spectat- ors knew. only that there was a litile excitement on the Went- worth bench. Col. Lester B. Wi- koff, former Wentworth athletic director and varsity coach, and Capt. Kenneth Sylvester, assist- ant coach, took over the coaching for the rest of the game. At the end of the game the news was flashed over the loudspeaker system and evervone in the stad- ium stood with bowed heads for “(Continued on Page Four) night. Payne was at Conger’s | | Yellowjackets piled up #4 points |